Search results

  1. N

    For a lifting and strength routine: 5x5 StrongLifts

    how far did you go? did you get to the full 12 weeks? I am a little nervous I started too high - I am on my 3rd week and already almost to 200lbs for bench, squat, back rows, and deadlift. Not having any difficulty whatsoever, but have a feeling once I get around the 300 range it will start...
  2. N

    Why are Paramedics paid so little?

    I am not sure I completely see what you are saying. But I agree they need to make paramedic a more desirable and educational job. Few places make a Paramedic Associates Degree (I can only think of Foothill College in Palo Alto) and I know there is a 4 year university in Washington that offers a...
  3. N

    For a lifting and strength routine: 5x5 StrongLifts

    Hey all, I am in no way an endorser for this workout or website but just stumbled across this routine and thought I would share...I have been into weight lifting for a couple of years but hit a plateau and got wind of the EMT/Medic transport job curse that comes with laziness and a belly...
  4. N

    Why are Paramedics paid so little?

    Just my 2 cents I read through only a couple responses as to why are paramedics (and let's add EMTs, too) paid so little. While it is unfortunate as to why we are paid so little, I disagree with a lot of what people are saying. Yes, education and experience are going to dictate pay...
  5. N

    Patients Plus - Alameda County

    copy that. I have 3 years transport experience so not sure how 6 more months of it translates to the 911 side and being a better fit. seems like it just makes it worse going from a nonchalant transport to 911 code 3 returns...sorry for my rant, just want to work 911 and haven't been able to for...
  6. N

    Patients Plus - Alameda County

    So only offered job for Patients Plus? Yeah I went thru the proceed in April but was never called or responded to after multiple attempts (mainly just so I could Improve for the next time). I am so tired of transport BLS
  7. N

    Patients Plus - Alameda County

    Have either of you started? Has anyone who has recently (since the implementation of Patients Plus BLS) interviewed/tested been given the okay to join the 911 side instead??? I know they are saying after 6 months with Patients Plus you can transfer, but I am a little iffy about believing that. I...
  8. N

    Patients Plus - Alameda County

    Have either of you started? Has anyone who has recently (since the implementation of Patients Plus BLS) interviewed/tested been given the okay to join the 911 side instead??? I know they are saying after 6 months with Patients Plus you can transfer, but I am a little iffy about believing that. I...