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  1. S

    CPR for ten minutes?

    I'm still in EMT class... However, right before Christmas break, my instructor went to a class, research discussion thingy, where he came back to us with some interesting info. This was done at a local, well respected teaching hospital. Apparently, they have discovered that CPR only for ten...
  2. S

    What is a mill?

    Forgive me if this has been asked before, I couldn't find it in prior threads. But, what is a mill and how do you know if the school you're looking at is a mill?
  3. S

    Starting in September!

    I just found out that the next EMT-B class is starting in September at my local college! :) I'm very excited! Brushing up on my A&P. As an aside, does anyone have any tips on studying? I've always been good with test taking, but not so good with studying.