Search results

  1. Trailpatrol

    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    "Ahhh," he said thoughtfully stroking his mustache. Isn't EMT-I on it's way out under the new standards, anyhow?
  2. Trailpatrol

    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    Just looked at the San Francisco (City/County) EMS Agency ( protocols: They allow BLS to assist with set-up if trained, but dropping the tube is still an ALS skill. It doesn't deliniate where an EMT-I would be in that situation.
  3. Trailpatrol

    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    I think she said a couple weeks ago that she's an EMT-I. It's been a bone of contention between her and Rabbit that she's supposed to be an EMT and doesn't do anything but fly the chopper, so a couple weeks ago he sat her down at the episode's end and started reviewing her medical skills. It...
  4. Trailpatrol

    New NBC series "Trauma" this fall

    I didn't care for the pilot episode, but I thought the idea had potential. As the weeks have gone by, the show has improved. The story lines are interesting and some of them are even believable. Unfortunately, the show is losing in the ratings war because of the poor showing in the first two...
  5. Trailpatrol


    I don't know about "L.A. Law", but "Boston Legal" sure is/was. Captain Kirk sure has become great at playing the overbearing, egotistical buffoon, though! :rolleyes:
  6. Trailpatrol

    What does your agency ride in...

    There are a lot of police/paramedic agencies in this country. There are a pretty good number of them in Michigan Sheriff's departments. Los Angeles County has mountain rescue paramedic deputies. Nassau County, NY, runs full ALS ambulances on Long Island. Most of them, but not all are...
  7. Trailpatrol

    What does your agency ride in...

    New Ride coming It will say "EMS" where this one says "POLICE". My serious mountain biking friends say this is one fine piece of machinery: Full SRAM componentry, Jandd Medic Panniers. WTB Tires, seat. Good stuff!
  8. Trailpatrol

    Switch States with a WEMT?

    I teach WFA and WFR, and have been a WEMT since the program piloted back in CO in the late '70s. (They called it "EMT-Wilderness" back then.) Right now only Maine and one western state (Don't recall which, maybe Alaska.) "offically" recognize WEMT, mostly because WFR/WEMT goes "outside the...
  9. Trailpatrol

    What is your most ridiculous call?

    Teaching First Aid Some of my wierdest situations have happened when I have been teaching first aid, apart from DVD players spazzing out, projectors dying, etc. MN requires special-needs transport drivers to go through 20 hours of training, including 4 hours of Basic First Aid. The program I...
  10. Trailpatrol

    What does your agency ride in...

    You forgot the bikes! You guys in Lee County have such neat toys! But you forgot to post any pictures of the bike team! Any of your bike medics going to be at IPMBA in Indianapolis? Ride safe, Hans
  11. Trailpatrol

    What does your agency ride in...

    Mountain Bikes Various types of mountain bikes (Each member provides their own.) with a AWD Dodge Caravan for Support and Gear. (We call that "SAG" in bike talk.)
  12. Trailpatrol

    Hyponatremic Arrest

    Hyponatremia Check out this link to the International Police Mountain Bike Association's web archives, "American College of Sports Medicine Inter-Association Task Force on Exertional Heat Illnesses Consensus Statement" which covers hyponatremia as well as other heat-related illnesses in detail...
  13. Trailpatrol

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    We are volunteers. We pay for our own gear, bikes, uniforms, etc. but our jerseys, bike shorts, radios and hydration packs are provided at a substantial discount through the National Mountain Bike Patrol ( which is like the National Ski Patrol without skis. Be safe, Hans
  14. Trailpatrol

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    Life Belt? I worked as bikemedic at a Triathlon/Half-Ironman last weekend, and I was amazed at what some of these athletes carry on their belts. That have bottles of energy gel, bars and such, but no water. (It was 87 degrees and sunny out.) Some of them had belts to rival Batman. When I am...
  15. Trailpatrol

    Happy National EMS Week!

    Some background info Here is some information from the ACEP website. Evidently they do a better job with EMS week here in the Twin Cities, because I never heard a peep about doctors or nurses weeks.:unsure: Washington, DC-The American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) today announced...
  16. Trailpatrol

    Happy National EMS Week!

    Okay, so it's Thursday. I'm a bit late. The sentiment is still the same. Hope you got some docs and nurses to wash your rig like the do in St. Paul the Wednesday of EMS week. I keep wondering if they will wash my bike if I ride up with the EMS gear on it? :rolleyes: There's a vintage ambulance...
  17. Trailpatrol

    3 Times She Put us In Jeopardy

    I just hope to hell you wrote this all up for your bosses the way you did for us. That gal is a catastrophe looking for a place to happen and you don't want to be that place. Be safe, Trailpatrol
  18. Trailpatrol

    Old Ambulance Photos

    Yep, it is. This is a truly unique emergency rescue vehicle, a 1982 AMC/Jeep Scrambler, Horton All Terrain Medic (ATM). It had never been sold and was in brand new condition. The Horton ATM was designed by Carl Horton of The Horton Company in Columbus, Ohio. Research has revealed...
  19. Trailpatrol

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    Cell phone, Swiss Army knife if I am camping. Utility belt with glove pack, Leatherman, Mini-Mag light, work cell, key holder and pepper spray when I am at my paying job. (Park Ranger) Both in the park and on volunteer bike patrol/events, my scissors, pen light, etc. are attached to the...
  20. Trailpatrol

    Call me an Idiot...

    Yeah, but you're from Texas. ;) I'm big enough and old (and grey) enough that most other healthcare providers don't give me many problems on-scene. Any who do always get the same litany: "MOI is _____, Airway is patent, Pt. is breathing, Pulse is ___, Spine is stablized....NOW, what would...