Search results

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    what's on your resume?

    So I'm intrigued and trying to learn a bit more about the emt/medic/fire world and job/hiring process. What's on your resume that makes you stand out? What certifications would you recommend to someone to help them stand out in the crowd?
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    Wilderness EMT course

    I hadn't even really considered doing WEMT. But I will be relocating to the Carolinas and I think it would be extremely helpful moving forward. After reading a post from a poster above about the WEMT program from SOLO at NOC, I will definitely be looking into it.
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    Missed the testing window & need a new course

    So a few years ago I took a course here in South Florida for EMT-B through Barry University. It was good, but definitely not the greatest. For the most part it ended up being the course I chose because it had a more convenient class time schedule since I was working part time as well. Well...
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    South Carolina ems

    Thanks! I went on the site to check it out and it was really helpful. I actually went ahead and also sent over an email to a contact I found on the site to get some more specific insight as to how to proceed with my situation so hopefully I hear back from them. If I do, will definitely share...
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    does the fear/nerves ever go away?

    That's awesome, congrats. I guess ill just have to get dirty and get over it.
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    does the fear/nerves ever go away?

    Definitely, thanks I appreciate it. Did you do fire as well or just medic? I'm leaning towards fire which makes me a bit more nervous.
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    South Carolina ems

    I'm from south Florida and am also considering South Carolina, or maybe even north carolina but am definitely a bit lost also. I currently only have my emt licensure and am wondering what next step would be a best fit for these states.
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    does the fear/nerves ever go away?

    Thanks for the advice. That's pretty much how I feel. What you said really made me think..what if im just really scared or nervous because I've never been exposed to any of it. Definitely seems possible. Any advice on how to get passed the fears and the nerves?
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    does the fear/nerves ever go away?

    So it's been awhile since I've had this topic on my mind. I completed EMT training and got state certified last year. The next step was supposed to be fire academy but I guess brain hit overdrive and I let my fear get the best of me. I love the subject matter and the application and everything...
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    i chickened out

    i guess i just felt that if i couldn't go through with fire since i guess i psyched myself out about going through some of the training i just got discouraged thinking that i just couldn't do it
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    i chickened out

    it doesn't have to be fire that was just the end result i was hoping for. and it seems since then i've gotten discouraged i suppose. i am still considering paramedic options
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    i chickened out

    so for awhile now I've been going back and forth on life decisions. i went to school, got EMT state certified, worked my *** off. and then it came time to apply for fire academy. i was always a little nervous, there were certain parts of the course that just scared me a bit you know. but i...
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    more likely to get hired if you've already done medic?

    Sorry for the double post...
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    more likely to get hired if you've already done medic?

    i finished my emt-b, whether i do academy and then medic or medic then academy is up in the air. either way i want to get them both done. but i'm just curious, are you more likely to get hired if you've already done your medic? instead of a department having to possibly invest money in you to go...
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    emt to medic or fire?

    i strayed a bit from my studies for personal reasons and am getting back on track and came across this thread that i had started. emt-b is now done and i was once again contemplating which route to take, but thanks for everyones advice so far. i'm looking into both medic classes and academy...
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    how to get/stay in shape

    i don't mind the weights, i definitely rather do that then running lol and i'm looking into crossfit i just can't seem to find a reasonably priced program in my area
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    how to get/stay in shape

    thanks for the input. i went ahead and created an account on theres tons of stuff there! any specific workouts you would recommend or any certain links on the site i should look into?
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    how to get/stay in shape

    i just finished my emt training and will hopefully be starting the academy in a few months. i am not in horrible shape. but i definitely want to get in kick *** shape. what does everyone do to get in good shape or keep in good shape.. do you have a regular gym workout? do you go to crossfit? or...
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    emt to fire/ emt to medic

    whats the consensus out there? my long term goal is fire. but would it be smarter of me to do emt and then fire and attempt to get a job and then do medic or just do emt medic and then fire? the medic program is quite long. i just want to make sure that when i apply to get a job, im an appealing...
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    paramedic program

    how long is the average paramedic program? i am currently near the end of my EMT program and am planning for the next step. i am in south florida and am trying to find a program, but don't seem to be having much luck.. help?? :blink: