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  1. R

    deleting threads

    Indeed, and I regret the decision, although I just assumed it was like any other board I've been a member of that allows users to control their posts and threads. I still stand by what I said, "I wish that I would have never signed up."
  2. R

    deleting threads

    I find you to be very amusing. :rofl:
  3. R

    deleting threads

    Users have very limited control over their accounts. I wish that I would have never signed up. I had much informed and professional responses to my exact same thread elsewhere. Also, the ability to remove said thread and account as I liked. I can only assume these rules were set in place...
  4. R

    deleting threads

    I would ask a similar question, "why is it such a big deal that users don't delete their accounts." Both seem rather insignificant, wouldn't you agree? "Not trying to be a ****" ... Not trying... so, if one doesn't try to be a .... that makes it okay. :wacko:
  5. R

    deleting threads

    I also see that you don't let us delete our accounts either... :glare:
  6. R

    deleting threads

    I don't seem to have access to delete a thread I made. I would like to take it down. Is there a moderator that would do it for me? Thanks!:)
  7. R

    EMT-B student in California, need advice...

    Thank you! I really appreciate the reply. It's nice to know that others in a similar situation have had luck getting a job.
  8. R

    EMT-B student in California, need advice...

    Thank you, I appreciate your response. I wasn't able to find any posts that were like my circumstances; arrested, no convictions, no DUI. I could only find DUI and people with actually convictions. I've been trying to find someone that was in my shoes on the internet for some time now. I really...
  9. R

    EMT-B student in California, need advice...

    I will have no problems getting an EMT license, it's getting a job that I might run into some difficulty.
  10. R

    EMT-B student in California, need advice...

    I was arrested for possession of a controlled substance 9 years ago, I went through a program(prop 36) and all charges were dismissed. I was also thrown in the drunk tank about 5 years ago, I had a bad night and drank too much... I have no criminal convictions, however I do have those two...