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  1. S

    Would you recommend emt b/paramedic as a career to anyone?

    I am having a hard time deciding whether I should make the jump to become a EMT B and eventually a paramedic. I have a few options Im looking at but, in the medical field, Ive narrowed it down to EMT-B/P or Respiratory Therapist(or RN, but thats another story..). My situation right now is...
  2. S

    To those who don't want to make EMS a career, what do you plan on doing

    Sigh...that's what I'm going to do instead. Perhaps get my EMT B cert in the mean time while in school. Going into paramedic school seems like a waste if I'm going to change eventually. Plus the added pay is swaying me sharply toward RT. Being an RN doesnt interest me much(except maybe...
  3. S

    Paramedic cert or AS degree?

    How benefical would an associate of science in EMS be? Its just the paramedic and basic core w/ general education classes(A&P, English, math, humanties, psych).
  4. S

    To those who don't want to make EMS a career, what do you plan on doing

    Of course, I'll like to hear them all!! ^_^
  5. S

    To those who don't want to make EMS a career, what do you plan on doing

    Thats what I had in mind aswell(minus about the special assignments). My ultimate goal in life has always been to be a sworn officer. Unfortunately, my county requires that new recruits hold an associate degree or 60 college credits. Luckily, with medic school, I will cover the minimum...
  6. S

    To those who don't want to make EMS a career, what do you plan on doing

    Right...but what job title exactly? PA? RN? RT? etc...
  7. S

    To those who don't want to make EMS a career, what do you plan on doing

    Hello all! I'm just about decided on taking my basic classes before going onto medic school next spring, however I'm having some doubts. There is no doubt in my mind that I will enjoy EMS at some point(maybe not as a basic :glare: ) but at what point in my life will I have enough of EMS...
  8. S

    Burnout rate

    Was that sarcasm?! <_< I just figured...FFs seem to be, unfortunately, more highly paid and respected. Sure, the hours really, really stink but that's the thing about the public service field.
  9. S

    Burnout rate

    Thanks for all the posts and advice, peoples. The reason I want to go into this: well, medicine isn't that attractive to me. But the medical field is one of the surest places to be in, or at least I've heard. Also: I LOVE being on the go, working an office job or being in one place for a long...
  10. S

    Burnout rate

    Sorry for the double post but... I'm curious to those who don't want to make this a career. What exactly are you thinking about doing post-medic?? I know theres various transitional programs from paramedic, so please post whats in your mind. :)
  11. S

    Burnout rate

    The reason I won't go into the computers field, at least not now, is because, unlike how the general public believes, you don't need much schooling to make it a career. You get your certs, which can be done by studying from a book, gain experience and move up. Also IT is always changing. I...
  12. S

    Burnout rate

    I didn't intend to come off as ignorant. But this thread is discouraging me from the field. I'm just looking for a positive here. My intended path inside my head goes: EMTB cert>>>Paramedic cert>>>EMS associate degree>>>burned out the field unless I get a management position>>>go into what I...
  13. S

    Burnout rate

    Why do I have a feeling this is how it really is? If you don't love what you do, then you won't make it far. Seems like EMS is no different. :rolleyes:
  14. S

    Burnout rate

    Wow, thanks for all this! I wasn't expecting these many replies. So if I'm lucky to hit the 5 year mark, I would be in rare company. :blush: What kind of person does it take to be a paramedic, long term wise(5+ years)? This sounds the perfect career for me but I just don't know if its a...
  15. S

    Burnout rate

    LOL so don't expect to be or be seen as the hero, and I should be alright? -_- But I still want to know, is this a good CAREER? I don't want to make this life long but I do want it to get me to a certain point in my life(i.e. being able to own a house, have a family, build solid savings, etc)...
  16. S

    Burnout rate

    I don't quite understand. What expectations? Pay? Hours? The scenery? :glare:
  17. S

    Burnout rate

    I have heard from many people that a paramedic career has a high burnout rate. Is this true? Why? I understand that after a certain age, I will most likely be unable to do the physical duties required but is there something else? Is it just THAT stressful? I'm only 19 right now, so being...
  18. S

    About going from EMT B to Paramedic and beyond

    anybody have anything else to add?
  19. S

    About going from EMT B to Paramedic and beyond

    Thank you Im now looking at a program that takes roughly 5 months, meeting once a week, for my EMT-B. Is this a good idea? They mention that there is roughly 100 hours out of 152 in field training. After completing this, I will go after my Paramedic cert. It will take 13 months long, once...
  20. S

    About going from EMT B to Paramedic and beyond

    Bump In case it wasnt clear in the OP, how hard is it to find a job in the ER as a PARAMEDIC. Obviously, I dont expect that as a EMT B.