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  1. Wolfpack87

    How to "Ride Along"

    thanks guys, I'll ask my instructor for all I can get.
  2. Wolfpack87

    How to "Ride Along"

    I'm not sure if I was clear in my question... Do they allow civilians to ride along for training purposes, or is this only something I can do during my clinicals?
  3. Wolfpack87

    Thank God, It's over.

    Good luck!!!
  4. Wolfpack87

    How to "Ride Along"

    Hello, I am starting my EMT-B course in about 2 months, and I'm stoked as could be. ^_^ My question is, is there a way to "ride along" on a truck before or during my training before I'm certified? I don't intend on doing anything (unless asked), but I'd like to observe and learn what I can. I...
  5. Wolfpack87

    Live Birth anomalies

    You or the Pt? and in either case...wahuh?
  6. Wolfpack87

    Preparing for training, and the truck...

    thanks guys. lol, yeah I suppose I'm not going to be throwing a pt over my shoulder and hoofing it.
  7. Wolfpack87

    Preparing for training, and the truck...

    Hey, I would like some ideas for workouts to do with my 100lb MMA heavy bag... My thoughts are things like taking the bag down and carrying it up/down stairs. I'm a fan of workouts that work the muscles you'll use in real life. What else could I do with this bag that might help my training?
  8. Wolfpack87

    Let's put it to a vote

    I understand what you mean, but I can't agree with this in the med-field. If all EMT-B,I,P and so-on have to have ongoing training, and constant re-certs every few years. Plus, field experience should outweigh education any day. As was mentioned on many other forums, what you learn in the...
  9. Wolfpack87

    So I got my first EMS job

  10. Wolfpack87

    Intensive or Standard training

    This is an amazing point! The course is 140 hours with 16 hours of that being clinical, whether you take the standard or the accelerated. I guess this was the heart of my question.. seeing that the two courses are exactly alike in content and actual course time, there shouldn't be an issue. I...
  11. Wolfpack87

    Intensive or Standard training

    what book would you suggest? I am completely open to suggestions, this is just the one that I was told about. what one did you use? As for whom, a local training instructor that said he has seen a lot of good come from them, and my local Rural/Metro that put them at the top of a list of about...
  12. Wolfpack87

    Intensive or Standard training

    I hear that, and I would agree... but this sites accelerated course is one of the best in the state in general... it's not only accredited, but it is listed on our state DHS page more than any other. By the Way, I found an AAOS 9th addition book which is what a local fire station said that they...
  13. Wolfpack87

    Universal Careers; 14-day emt boot camp

    I agree with this possibility, but it is also possible that Universal Careers could be using Pelham as a hook for their own scams... for instance, I currently work for Apple Computers as a support tech and developer... how many companies out there put an "i" in front of their products name to...
  14. Wolfpack87

    Universal Careers; 14-day emt boot camp

    I have looked into Pelham extensivly as it is a course I have considered, and I belive the scam you may have found is in Pelham is not only accredited, but most of the information that you were given is incorrect. For instance, their normal course is only $700, and the...
  15. Wolfpack87

    Intensive or Standard training

    I am having trouble finding what training material will be used... I'm sure I can contact the course leader, but does anyone know if there is a standerdized book that they use, or is it open to the leaders disgression?
  16. Wolfpack87

    Intensive or Standard training

    Thanks for all the responses! I think I was expecting exactly what you all said, but I'm glad to hear that others agree. The ONLY reason I would consider the intensive course is because of my availability. My current job is willing to give me the 2-3 weeks off for the course. The alternative is...
  17. Wolfpack87

    Intensive or Standard training

    There is a highly recommended training facility in my state that offers a 2-week intensive training course, as well as a 3 month Standard course for EMT-B training. I have a good knowledge of the medical field and many practices simply from growing up in a family that is 99% medical, but I am...