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  1. F

    EMS Today 2008

    Can't Go I wanted to go this year (had to cancel last year), but it is the same weekend as our regional conference in Western Pennsylvania. If anyone on here has ever been to the EMSI conference at 7 Springs, you will back me up on this. That is a MUST attend weekend.:)
  2. F

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    Maybe too much? I usually have a glove pouch, my cell phone, a portable radio and a leather holster (trauma scissors, bandage scissors, hemostat, leatherman, mini-mag light, center punch and carpulject/tubex holder. We will not even discuss the pockets. LOL
  3. F

    EMS and knees

    Good Luck I can feel for ya. I have dislocated both knees on different occations. Amazing sight looking down and seeing the patella rotated outward. Especially when it is my own. :wacko: Got the left one scoped 11 years ago and just needed physical therapy on the right. The biggest thing is...
  4. F

    EMTLife Fitness Club?

    Good Job. It is amazing how good a few pounds off of the frame will make you feel. I was the super sized fast food meal, large pizza, 2 dozen hot wing eating guy a couple of years ago. I topped out at 290. I am around 180 now. 24 miles on the bike 2-3 times a week(weather permiting) and...