Search results

  1. wchawkins

    Seizures in General

    Ok, today in EMT-B, we went over the chapter on seizures, the works. I wanted to see what actually happened, so I did some searching on the net. Only thing I really have to say is, in my opinion, it is going to be really tough seeing younger ones, especially ones having grand mal seizures...
  2. wchawkins

    Volunteer Fireman

    Well, I have applied to become a Volunteer Fireman at a local station... All my info is in, so it is now up to the membership/recruitment board to vote me in or not. Wish me luck! :)
  3. wchawkins

    EMT-Basic Soon, Recommendations

    Hello all! I am going to be starting my EMT-Basic training very soon, and wanted to know if there were any recommendations you guys have for someone starting fresh. Anything at all would be really helpful. I am really excited about finally getting started with my classes. Thanks again!
  4. wchawkins

    New to the Forum

    Hello all! I am new to the forum, and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Chad Hawkins and I am a 20 year-old resident of Raleigh,NC. Lived here all my life, and have pretty much wanted to work in the EMS field for most of my life. Has always been of interest to me, and am finally...