Recent content by yeahyeahyeah

  1. Y

    ER physician lecture, debates EMS & ACLS

    thanks for posting that...very interesting. Alot of good points and hopefully alot of the changes he discusses will come about.
  2. Y


    I think that little girl needs to be ...."corrected"...She is a willful little girl. She is trying to bring an outsider to the situation. When do you think we should take Grandpa to morgue, EMTPrincess? If you're not laughing, watch the Shining.
  3. Y

    Spanish Speaking Patients.

    Welcome. Please feel free to introduce yourself, tell us where you are from, etc. It is always nice to hear from those with differing viewpoints. Jon [/b] I live in Denver, CO. I am an EMT-B with IV cert. Med school bound, hopefully next Aug. I work as an examiner for insurance policy...
  4. Y

    Spanish Speaking Patients.

    Yeah I agree with that. If you are not from here, you are a guest and should not be so demanding and overbearing about the differences. At the same time, we should be good hosts. Respect is vital in the medical profession. But we shouldnt be abused either. I am very comfortable with the...
  5. Y

    Spanish Speaking Patients.

    I'm not practicing anything, if my spanish is bad... Maybe they should learn English. BTW No manara. Aprenda deletrear en espanol. [/b] Si, yo se. Es facil escribir mal en ingles y espanol o en cualquiera idioma. Pero parece que hablas mucho. Donde aprendiste?
  6. Y

    Spanish Speaking Patients.

    I agree 100%%%%%% If you traveled to any other country, you have to learn their language to effectively communicate, even if its a very small amount... [/b] I agree that you would learn a little of the foreign language, but in an emergency do you think that other language would be flowing...
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    Spanish Speaking Patients.

    Necesitas practira un poco mas. Pero que bien que por lo menos estas tratando. Chevere!!