Recent content by TQ1106

  1. TQ1106

    Second Time Paramedic Student

    Thank you! I appreciate your response
  2. TQ1106

    Second Time Paramedic Student

    Thank you! I appreciate your advice and most certainly will take those questions into account.
  3. TQ1106


    I think it just depends on the agency you work for. I have decently sized and visible tattoos on both arms but my agency doesn't require me to cover them up! The ONLY requirement for being covered up is if they are considered offensive. Things are definitely changing in the work world regarding...
  4. TQ1106

    Second Time Paramedic Student

    I went to paramedic school about 2 years ago and dropped out of the program halfway through. I only had a year and a half of experience, so I will admit I struggled. I felt super defeated after leaving the program and wasn't sure if I would return, but I start back in the fall through another...