Recent content by SwansonJohn99

  1. SwansonJohn99

    CAD Software/MDTs/ePCRs

    For those of you out there that utilize Computer Aided Dispatching programs, MDTs, and ePCR software I'm just curious what you use, and if anybody really likes their system. My full time service currently uses Zoll's RescueNet Navigator for CAD running on Panasonic Toughpads, but will be...
  2. SwansonJohn99

    Long Distance

    Sounds like fun, thanks for the tip
  3. SwansonJohn99

    Long Distance

    Hey everyone. This is going to make a lot of you, especially those who work in rural areas or for companies that do these constantly, shake your heads in amazement. I've been in EMS eight months and tomorrow is my first prescheduled long distance, or as I'm calling it, super long distance. You...
  4. SwansonJohn99

    Sexual Assault Calls Advice for male EMT

    Sweet thank you
  5. SwansonJohn99

    Sexual Assault Calls Advice for male EMT

    So I'm a male EMT for a private ambulance company that contracts with my city for BLS 911 responses. Several weeks ago I was paired with a female FTO and we received a call to an attempted sexual assault. My female partner did vitals and assessment and I gathered demographics and patient...
  6. SwansonJohn99

    Tips for a recently certified EMT-B

    Carry extra gloves in your pocket
  7. SwansonJohn99

    Clinicals and Ride Alongs

    Awesome. Thanks so much.
  8. SwansonJohn99

    Clinicals and Ride Alongs

    I'm also starting my clinical ride alongs in a couple weeks. But if you don't have any questions and "I'm good" comes off as "This is stupid and I want to go home" or something similar what would you recommend? I don't want to piss off my preceptors especially if I have to come back.
  9. SwansonJohn99

    I'm looking for advice: Salutations

    Which one should a new EMT shoot for?
  10. SwansonJohn99

    I'm looking for advice: Salutations

    Are you with a department or with a private?
  11. SwansonJohn99

    I'm looking for advice: Salutations

    Firefighters have their own jargon for the same stuff too. How do you keep track of it?
  12. SwansonJohn99

    I'm looking for advice: Salutations

    There are way to many terms for the same thing in EMS
  13. SwansonJohn99

    I'm looking for advice: Salutations

    Just to make sure I'm getting this right it's the Captain's Chair and not the CPR set correct?
  14. SwansonJohn99

    I'm looking for advice: Salutations

    Wow. Where is the ****ie seat in an ambulance? Is it the rear facing one or the fold down on the left?