Recent content by Sumner

  1. Sumner

    Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly

    For me, the AOOS EMT textbook was incredibly easy to understand. The material was easy but my teacher's tests were extremely challenging. It was not exactly knowledge based, it was scenario based and every answer was a viable answer. The NREMT is a joke in comparison. I'll go ahead and give...
  2. Sumner

    Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly

    EMT-B as of 03/14.The private organization I attended is has a recurring paramedic program every January. All of my teachers made it seem like paramedic school was the hardest thing in your life. I want to go for my paramedic but i feel like I'm not ready of it or that I'll fail miserably. Any...
  3. Sumner

    Im not as strong as i thought i was!

    Cardio really helps but your lifting power should come from your legs. It seems like pretty much everybody can lift without doing much leg training unless they're at a height/weight disadvantage.
  4. Sumner

    AED Use

    Looks like you got your answer. Use the appropriate sized pads if you have them, but as long as they do not overlap you should be fine. I would always move and attempt to dry off the patient if wetness was a valid issue.
  5. Sumner


    Congratulations. NYS doesn't use the NREMT, correct? That really sucks that she didn't pass because of that. I am so greatful that my instructor taught us to watch out for that, just as you would "on the streets".
  6. Sumner

    Uniform requirements for unaffiliated ageny

    Great advice.
  7. Sumner

    One Year Experience Required for Employment

    Very true. Thanks for your imput. The county I live in has a high turn over rate compared to national standards for EMT-B, and the pay is around $10,000 less than a local county, but it is better than nothing. At least it is a good stepping stone.
  8. Sumner

    One Year Experience Required for Employment

    I am really wanting to start with 911. I should have my HazMat Tech by the time I apply and hopefully some stronger connections with both of my "dream" services.
  9. Sumner

    One Year Experience Required for Employment

    All of the services I am looking to apply to in three months (once I get my EMT-B) require at least one year of medical experience. I assume this is something that is very standard across the board, but is it 100% necessary to have? Thanks!