Recent content by ShipMedic

  1. S

    Princess Cruises?

    PCL is the only one employing paramedics at this time. Disney uses paramedics but only on their private island. Now that Princess is part of the Holland America Group, they are trying to consolidate some things. So far it's just things like the formulary and equipment. I doubt we'll see...
  2. S

    Princess Cruises?

    The scope of practice in some ways will be more than you're used to as you'll be taking x-rays, drawing bloods and running labs, and administering medications we don't normally give in the ambulance, such as antibiotics. However, almost all of this is under physician order. There are...
  3. S

    Acadian SMS (Remote Medic)

    Does the company pay transportation costs or is that on you?
  4. S

    Princess Cruises?

    Keep trying for it then. It will be a good experience if nothing else. I would caution though using it as experience for an offshore gig. I don't think this gives you much experience in that because you won't be doing much clinical decision making. There's always a doctor nearby and they are...
  5. S

    Princess Cruises?

    I don't what to say a bad experience but it is what it is. From the outside looking in it seems like a great job but then you get there and there's a lot of BS you have to deal with that they didn't tell you about. There are several reasons they'll give you for why they started the paramedic...
  6. S

    Princess Cruises?

    They have a company that will coordinate getting the exam done. It costs around $450 I think and they DO NOT pay for it.. It's valid for 1 or 2 years depending on the findings. For the dental part you just have to get a letter from your dentist certifying that you've been examined in the last...
  7. S

    Princess Cruises?

    I'm sure they'll work with you to finish the CCEMTP program, although they'll probably need people in December. It's always tough to place people then as people want to be off for the holidays. Plus there is a travel blackout from Dec 15th-Jan 15th due to increased travel expenses. The pay...
  8. S

    Princess Cruises?

    They probably know that you won't last a month. With that much experience, you're overqualified and won't be happy with the way things work onboard. While they do have younger folks, most tend to be in their mid-30's.
  9. S

    Princess Cruises?

    Yeah 19 ships is a little misleading. Currently there are paramedics on the following ships- Diamond, Emerald, Golden, Grand, Regal, Royal, Ruby, Sapphire and Star. At one time they had paramedics on the Sea, which was the smallest ship with paramedics but they pulled them off because they...
  10. S

    Princess Cruises?

    1. The paramedics are in charge of training the stretcher party, but it's very basic, as in CPR is outside their scope. It's basically just teaching them how to put someone on a backboard, apply oxygen, etc. We sometimes go over CPR but they aren't expected to do it. 2. No continuing ed is...
  11. S

    Princess Cruises?

    Things could be a lot better with just a few changes. Unfortunately I don't know how interested they are in improving things and/or continuing the program. It is a good way to travel the world but it's frustrating when you see how much better it could be and that a few changes such as benefits...
  12. S

    Princess Cruises?

    He won't need a work visa, just a C-1/D visa because he's not actually working in the US. As far as I know, there are no Canadian paramedics (there are Canadian nurses) but they've hired a South African paramedic and at least one British paramedic, so I would think it's possible. The retention...
  13. S

    Princess Cruises?

    I think you should wait and actually work a full 4 month contract and them come back and see if you feel the same way. I hope you do, but as history has shown, most don't. One week of training is not the same as 4 months of actually working. We've been hearing that they're putting paramedics on...
  14. S

    Princess Cruises?

    After taxes the salary is about $3000/month, and if your home state has income tax then you'll have to make payments to them as well as Princess doesn't withhold state taxes. There is no insurance or retirement, that's only for the nurses and doctors. You may get to practice close to your...
  15. S

    Princess Cruises?

    I agree with almost all of this. This job is more at the EMT-B level than paramedic. Actually the majority of it is administrative. There are very few emergencies. They say they hired paramedics because they wanted to improve their first-response program as the nurses just didn't have the...