Recent content by scottherenow

  1. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    Enjoy fantasy land… for now. But one day reality will hit and the pathetic realization will set in that you wasted your time being a court jester for strangers who won’t be there for you in your time of need. Sucks I didn't get much input here as to understanding what may have triggered his...
  2. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    Since this is the post that pissed me off, can I say that? I'd like to clarify ONE more time. Rescue breaths go in successfully, therefore airway not obstructed, therefore tracheotomy pointless, therefore this guy sucks suggesting I killed the guy b/c I didn't stick a freaking, can I say that...
  3. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    kk what an ironic quote you have.
  4. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    Can you please elaborate?
  5. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    They're going to do an autopsy, but I doubt if the info will ever be released to us b/c of his family. I think one of his parents is a politician.
  6. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    His teeth were so tight no air was going through. When I pried them open he still wasn't breathing, but I could do mouth to mouth. I couldn't feel a pulse from the beginning, but he was sort of conscious in that he was initially having a seizure, eyes open so I assumed I just couldn't detect a...
  7. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    There are other details I forgot. When I initially thought it was heat stroke, with the help of some other people, took off all his catching gear. I left his shirt on I figured for dignity and then someone handed me cold bottled water so I poured it on the back of his neck. Initially he was...
  8. S

    lost a life, trying to figure out what happened

    i was playing baseball today (85 degree weather, sun shining) when our catcher had some type of episode that I initially thought was heat stroke. The guy, 32, obese, was on his back, eyes open, right fist clenched. When I checked for breathing, his teeth were clenched shut. I somehow pried them...