Recent content by ruralEMSgirl

  1. ruralEMSgirl

    Thoughts on RNs being allowed to challenge Medic exam? It's a little wordy & visually cluttered, but here's what I read that led me to make this post, straight from the source! (above) I agree with the points you made...I guess my big...
  2. ruralEMSgirl

    Thoughts on RNs being allowed to challenge Medic exam?

    In my state of residence, RNs (and PAs) are allowed to challenge any level of the NREMT exam, up to and including the Paramedic exam. As far as I could tell, no pre-hospital experience required. Meaning, a RN who's only prior training was nursing school and their current RN position, is allowed...
  3. ruralEMSgirl


    In agreement with a lot of what I'm writing here- some combination of #2 and #4 (as we all know- stopping the bleed when we can is always priority #1 in any type of significant trauma). I would also be pro-getting-this-PT-the-F-into-my-ambulance-and-off-scene and conducting all further...