Recent content by prizonmedik

  1. prizonmedik

    "Onward & Upward"-- now that I've passed...

    FirefightersMom enjoy your career in EMS as it is as rewarding as it is demanding.
  2. prizonmedik

    Pedi Nose Bleeds

    Quit hitting him in the nose, the bleeding will stop.
  3. prizonmedik

    Post CABG Scenario

    1) Atrial Fib is the most likely rhythm, there are any number of reasons that could predispose a post-CABG pt to AF. Most common are age and previous AF event. And why does this pt have that rhythm now? That's simple.....Because God wants them to. 2) The most...
  4. prizonmedik

    Fluid resuscitation

    I didn't see where anyone said DT's were caused by hypotension. I hope at no point in your life does anyone talk down to you as you do everyone on this site.
  5. prizonmedik

    1 in every 32

    The trouble buying a gun in CA is due to the over-concentration of tree-hugging liberals in that area. But keep voting Democrat, you wont have to worry about it. "how's the element of collusion set with you on our longest war (drugs), producing over 2 million non violent inmates? note that...
  6. prizonmedik


    I had a pt once was ran over by a train. Literally ran over. He was lying (passes out) between the tracks, train ran right over him. Engineer say him go under train, stopped train. Whe he go off engine the guy was climbing out from between the wheels of one of the cars. When he go out he...
  7. prizonmedik

    Amitriptyline OD

    FYI it was a shower, not a bathtub. But I was able to drive home!!!!!!!!!
  8. prizonmedik

    DNR discussion

    IMHO The DNR applies only to the terminal condition, not other trauma. Anyway, I'd rather explain why I tried to save a person, than why I let them die. And why was **** there anyway?
  9. prizonmedik

    What was that???

    Drug Mule. Package of Heroine he swallowed is ruptured. And Brian, that LP is not what makes that head hurt..
  10. prizonmedik


    I have to laugh at the idiot. And hope it was someone who has to carry a punk box and not someone who chose to have one. Punk box is what grown ups call body alarms.
  11. prizonmedik

    18 year old female...

    Also consider undiagnosed WPW!!!!!!!! But SVT alone is very seldom an emergency. Also if it was around C'ville. Consider drugs.
  12. prizonmedik

    How nurses handle emergencies!!

    "Point being, EMT's are specialty trained (hopefully educated), and where a medic is able to control airway, etc.. They are not able to understand and function on most basic medical conditions." If I weren't afraid I'd get grounded again I respond to this, but uh, I'll just say you never...
  13. prizonmedik

    Medics make the worse patients

    I'm glad you're doing better, but maybe your logo had something to do with your fall.
  14. prizonmedik

    Hear's one

    Never go in further than the first dead cop.
  15. prizonmedik

    For those who work for AMR...

    I don't understand this one. Lifting is what the stretcher fetchers (FF's) are for.