Recent content by Patch Adams

  1. Patch Adams

    14 year old EMR - beach cardiac arrest - feel bad/somebody's opinion?

    There was a team of old timers Hockey Players rallied together to save an Osoyoos (Okanagan Area BC Canada) senior after he suffered a massive heart attack at the Oliver Arena. All the staff were trained at the arena. (click link for source of story) “He was dead,” recalled teammate Jeff...
  2. Patch Adams

    Examination Jitters and anxiety

    Yes, the coffee is a bad one... I drink way to much Java. Now the wife will have me taking Beta Blockers before bed :)
  3. Patch Adams

    Robin Williams... RIP

    From the Movie Patch Adams.... Hunter Patch Adams: What's wrong with death sir? What are we so mortally afraid of? Why can't we treat death with a certain amount of humanity and dignity, and decency, and God forbid, maybe even humor. Death is not the enemy gentlemen. If we're going to fight a...
  4. Patch Adams

    Examination Jitters and anxiety

    LOL, Of course, but unless my examiner is and alcoholic I might even get in the door :) any type sedative would help to... Beta blockers... but other then drugs?
  5. Patch Adams

    Examination Jitters and anxiety

    Examination Jitters and anxiety is something I think we all get at some level whether we are doing a 200 question EMT Multiple choice or 2 hr practical examinations. I just had two friends who passed their training courses and know there material inside and out. We practiced together a number of...
  6. Patch Adams

    City of Ottawa, Canada

    Hi I am from BC and I'm going into the oil patch out here. BC Ambulance is mostly $2/hr on call and only about 4 calls at most a day unless your in metro Vancouver where you have to be like 20yrs seniority in the union to get in. Although rural areas have some postings. The majority of work I...
  7. Patch Adams

    Patch Work EMR

    Ok, H2S Alive is a Oil patch course to teach about the dangers of H2S Gas, and it is a standard you must take to work in the oil patch only. Same with the PST (petroleum Safety Training) it is regional and industry specific training. The Oil Patch is where the money is. Working for BC Ambulance...
  8. Patch Adams

    What's the dumbest thing you've said to a patient?

    Any one ever ask hand amputee when getting them on the hospital gurney if they needed a hand?:unsure:
  9. Patch Adams

    Patch Work EMR

    Hi Robb, Not sure where your coming from? In our neck of the woods, and EMR-CPR/AED with H2S alive and PST and wimis is about all you need to get going. Oil patch is busy and pays more if you don't mind the long hours and isolation.. Camp life is ok, food is great. Patch
  10. Patch Adams

    Patch Work EMR

    Right on, never got to that site yet thanks again Patch
  11. Patch Adams

    Received CPR 5 wks ago

    Nice story, an attitude of gratitude is the healthiest RX I can recommend besides Humor :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Like forgiveness, when you give it it benefits you in many more ways than you can imagine... Keep right on thanking even though we don't work for thank, seeing someone breathing again...
  12. Patch Adams

    Received CPR 5 wks ago

    Attitude is the other yard... posted to wrong thread???
  13. Patch Adams

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    Okanagan a place to live forever Hi, I am from the Okanagan area of British Columbia Canada. I used to volunteer as a EMR on a community service in Northern Manitoba years ago. I just re-certified and finished licensing and planing on working in the BC/Alberta oil patch. I'd love to hear any...
  14. Patch Adams

    Patch Work EMR

    Thanks Thanks Tim, I seen the web sites not yet applied but will soon. Patch...
  15. Patch Adams

    Patch Work EMR

    Hi I an old EMT who is returning to the field now looking for working work in the Oil Patch in BC, AB, or SK depending on the employer. I been seeing lot of different companies but hard to know who would be a good one. Anyone have some suggestions where to start??