Recent content by NYCWatchdog

  1. NYCWatchdog

    The problem of the PCS and customer service.

    The guide is a good idea, but the top level administrators need to understand that their personnel are not correctly filling out the PCS and because of that your service is bearing the fiscal repercussions from that. It's also important for them to understand that if their staff does not become...
  2. NYCWatchdog

    The problem of the PCS and customer service.

    PCS compliance is an issue with most facilities. Part of it is fear that there may be a Medicare/Medicaid audit and the MD or RN doesn't want to get caught up in potential fraud charges, and part of it is definitely a lack of education. I would suggest the following: 1) Have your account rep...
  3. NYCWatchdog


    I truly do understand what is being said here, but I can't help but ask when do feelings interfere with doing this job? I think for that matter the more in touch with your feelings and therefore those of your patient will enable you to perform better. Good EMTs know the protocol. Great...
  4. NYCWatchdog

    Cares Enough to Wear Pink

    I Do Think Its Interesting I find something very interesting about all these "awareness" campaigns... everyone talks about who the disease effects but no one talks about prevention. Why is that? More importantly, what type of "awareness" is actually raised by wearing a pink t-shirt? Is it...
  5. NYCWatchdog

    Taking the EMT course. Jobs In Long Island NY?

    Hunter ambulance may be the closest to you that is hiring. You can get the application here:
  6. NYCWatchdog

    New ambulances hard to miss

    That's an interesting look... especially having the back completely covered like that. I wonder how many accidents they had onscene prior to the new design, and how many they'll be getting now.
  7. NYCWatchdog

    Ambulance company sues state over Katrina bill.

    Actually no... It was this one. It really makes you wonder what was going on in FEMA's heads... and it isn't like the state DOH didn't try to raise the flags... they got shut down on it.
  8. NYCWatchdog

    Ambulance company sues state over Katrina bill.

    Yes... the Ministry compound. GoldStar's deal was terribly shady and everyone knew it then. They had FEMA contracts, and somehow FEMA allowed them to be attached to the 82nd Airborne. When LADOH questioned their legitimacy and tried to organize the out of state resources with placards, FEMA...
  9. NYCWatchdog

    diet soft drink addiction

    Anything with caffeine... and soda is one of the easiest to get... but on the flip I hate hot coffee... and can only drink iced coffee. Go figure.
  10. NYCWatchdog

    where is everyone from

    New York City, NY... born... raised... and still here.
  11. NYCWatchdog

    EMS Legacy

    The legacy I would want is not one of rememberance or one people would even know my name to. It would be the grandkids or one of the world changing works of someone who I brought back. Knowing that would be good enough for me.
  12. NYCWatchdog

    Ambulance company sues state over Katrina bill.

    Interesting... I thought MetroCare was under the FEMA EMAC umbrella. They operated at the FEMA Baton Rouge compund... so why isn't FEMA paying the bill?
  13. NYCWatchdog

    Faith / Is there a place for God in EMS?

    That depends on how you view God. Is he all knowing? Does he truly call his "children" home? When it is your time is it your time no matter what? If that is true... than why do we respond to cardiac arrests? Why do we insert tubes down throats, inject drugs, and perform compressions if...