Recent content by Novocaine

  1. N

    Contact precautions

    Cavicide The service I work for has Cavicide wipes. Is cavicide not strong enough or effective against C. diff?
  2. N

    SD BLS = dialysis - 3 questions

    Gurney Gurney transports are payed for by hmo's or individuals. I often collect payment on the spot taking checks, credit card info or cash. I understand a typical bls transport costs medicare around $550.(no O2) The "gruneys" I run, bill out at $100 plus milage.
  3. N

    US vs. Canada Education Requirements

    thread jacking is rampant
  4. N

    Contact precautions

    clarification I've only had 1 tb pt in 6 months as an emt. Masks on the entire pt contact. Negative pressure roomn to rig. rig to negative pressure room. If I encounter a contact precaution, I don the extra ppe at the pt's room. I load the pt onto the gurney. I take the ppe off, exit the...
  5. N

    Contact precautions

    List of contact precaution diseases::glare: esbl vre MRSA C. diff TB My understanding is that wearing the yellow space suits, plastic eye glasses and n95 masks prevent us from getting infected. It is the policy of my company that after loading my patient I then take off this gear and...
  6. N

    SD BLS = dialysis - 3 questions

    These patients basically are wheel chair van patients, the company I work for runs more gurney calls with bls ambulances than w/c calls on the w/c vans. I absolutly use the ppe contact precation garb.
  7. N

    Funny one liners you've said to overheard to a patient

    all too common Have a "chest pain" pt that does this after dialysis all the time. I've taken this pt I have out of base hospital, past other hospitals, past another base hospital to arrive where they wanted to go. Upon arrival 20 min away I've had a nurse say to me "why did you bring her...
  8. N

    SD BLS = dialysis - 3 questions

    I work for a bls medical transport in sd and I was wondering if +70% of bls calls as dialysis was typical for a bls agency. With the other 30% mostly filled in with discharges to sniffs, cct nurse stemi's, and an occassional legit call I aos code 2 that I -might- learn something on... Also...