Recent content by Nimrod_BasketCase

  1. N

    What Are You Listening To?

    I love Hollywood Undead!
  2. N

    Intro from AZ

    Hi I'm from AZ too! Welcome to EMTLife and good luck in your classes.
  3. N

    What Are You Listening To?

    Walking Contradiction by Green Day. I love this music video!!! :rolleyes:
  4. N

    Conscious Sedation for Wisdom Tooth Extraction

    I had 2 of my wisdom teeth removed both with novocaine and at different times.
  5. N

    What did you get for Christmas?

    That sucks hope everyone is feeling better. Was the Turkey not cooked all the way?
  6. N

    What Are You Listening To?

    Green Day! ^_^
  7. N

    EMT drop out?

    EMT-B we started with 24 lost 2 after they failed the 3rd test, they were actually kicked out. We lost 2 after Boarder Patrol hired them. The instructor right after our class started with 24 and ended with 7. I think some got kicked out for putting gum on the equipment, talking about TA's and...
  8. N

    Taking EMT-B course without any other experience/courses?

    I agree with you on this. We spent 1 day on the A&P chapter then when we would go over cardiac or airway or something we would review that part of the body. I haven’t taken a Bio class since sophomore year in high school and had a hard time with it in the EMT class after so many years I felt...
  9. N

    Taking EMT-B course without any other experience/courses?

    I just finished my EMT class at Pima in May!
  10. N

    Hey I noticed you from AZ too! I just finished my EMT class at Pima last semester I'm guessing...

    Hey I noticed you from AZ too! I just finished my EMT class at Pima last semester I'm guessing your in Tucson since you have the UofA symbol? . You should do good even without experience just as long as you study for your tests and read your book. Anyways good luck I had a blast and I’m sure you...
  11. N

    Thank you, Ryan F (an EMT-B from chicago-area)

    Wow that's really awesome!!!^_^
  12. N

    My 2 year old just fell and scraped her knee.

    Aww thats so cute!
  13. N

    How much did your EMT-B course cost?

    It was about $821.64. It was a 9 credit class. The price includes class, book with review manual, the blue book, bp cuff, stethoscope, pen light, oxygen mask, gloves, duct tape, T-shirt. It was cheaper for some people depending where people got there supplies. The book store was more expensive.
  14. N

    Passed my emt!!

    Congrats Ryan!!! :)
  15. N

    Your blogs are awesome I think they are intersting. Good luck in medic school too!!! I can't...

    Your blogs are awesome I think they are intersting. Good luck in medic school too!!! I can't wait until I can get in the field and start medic school.