Recent content by ngbacon

  1. N

    I got zapped

    You have to stop CPR in order for the AED to determine whether or not the pt has a shockable rhythm. I believe this is the main reason they have you clear before the AED analyzes; in order to avoid the machine picking up any rhythm from another person.
  2. N

    I got zapped

    I had this happen to me as well once except the lady was conscious and alert. She grabbed on to my arm and wouldn't let go till she coded. Id say I got it at least 10 times. My arm did feel odd for quite a while.
  3. N

    Phlebotomy training in OC, CA

    Thanks for the advice it was very informative and helpful. I think you are correct about looking at all the angles before committing to a phlebotomy course. I was considering this for several reasons, mainly just to get into the hospital. I also noted that there seem to be an abundance of...
  4. N

    New Student

    It seems to me that oftentimes the best way to learn things is to put them into practice. Obviously you can't quite do that yet. But maybe doing some frequent ride-alongs/ER visits you can start to note where and how the drugs and other things are properly implemented.
  5. N

    Obtaining pulse.

    Are you suggesting that we don't need accurate counts of pulse, breaths and BP as long as they appear normal on first look?
  6. N

    Vital signs (pulse + respirations)

    I like this suggestion
  7. N

    Phlebotomy training in OC, CA

    I have my NREMT-B license and everything I need to work ambulances in Orange County, San Diego county, and soon LA county also. I have no medical experience or backround. I just got hired at an ambulance company that does a lot of work in surf city and north OC. I would love to get a job as...
  8. N

    Ambulance Certificate in Ca.

    I also had a rough experience at the DMV getting my Ambulance cert although mostly because of wait times. When i went in to get my H6 - driving record printout however it took me less than 5 mins. I got to skip everyone in line! :P
  9. N

    First EMT job

    Good job guys. I got my orange county certs and all that done about 2 weeks ago and started applying for jobs a few days after. I've had 3 interviews and two job offers out of about 10 or so total. I'm just trying to figue out who has the best starting pay. Anyone know what pacific starts at?
  10. N

    Health Care Workers Protest Mandatory H1N1 Vaccination

    Anybody remember SARS? and the West Nile scare?
  11. N

    Health Care Workers Protest Mandatory H1N1 Vaccination

    I have never gotten any type of flu vaccine and I don't believe I ever will. I personally don't see the point in getting a vaccine for a virus that has thousands of variations and is constantly evolving into a more dangerous virus. (Mostly because of all the vaccines)
  12. N

    Training in So.Cali?

    I went to Laguna-Capistrano ROP in San Juan Capistrano. I know there are a few other ROP's that offer the class out there also. It is very much a do it yourself type of class. You will benefit the most from it if you participate a lot, form a study/practice group and read the book. The best...
  13. N

    Phlebotomy training in OC, CA

    Does anyone know where to get phlebotomy training/certs in Orange County?
  14. N

    The test every ambulance company makes you take upon hire. What to expect

    I'm currently looking for EMT B jobs in SoCal. What company are you taking a test for?
  15. N

    The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread

    My name's Nick Currently looking for an EMT-B job in SoCal.