Recent content by newbierootie0325

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    Thank you Drex for your reply. I did exactly what you are suggesting and reached out to my previous employer and they said I have a position when I return which is a blessing. Chase thanks for your reply as well. I seemed to upset you and I am sorry I came across wrong. Most paramedic I know who...
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    Hello there. So I am only been on this site for about two months but for the most part it seems like a great area to get some insight and guidance. So here is my issue. I graduated from paramedic school and recently go my medic license (two months ago). While all this was taking place my husband...
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    EMT-B class prep tips?

    Well speaking from my own experience good EMT saves paramedics. I am a brand new paramedic and I am praying for a great emt. Being new and in class really study your vitals and what good vitals are and bad vitals are. If you are getting irregular vitals understand the anatomy and physiology of...
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    Wake county vs Mecklenburg ems

    Can y’all provide insight to what kind of stretchers are used?
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    Paramedic programs in Georgia

    Grady has a great program. We got to do clinicals at many hospitals. Got to do intubations in the OR, clinicals in Grady Neuro Unit, OB floor, burn unit, ER, and many others. More than many others programs can say
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    New Paramedic moving to North Carolina

    I am new here and don’t think I have the ability to PM but u answered my questions and I am really appreciative of that. I am excited about the academy option and think it is great that North Carolina for the most part has a great thinking to what they want their paramedic to be like. I wish at...
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    This test is ridiculous....Where can I find similar questions so I can pass?

    EMT is good too. 100% money back guarantee is don’t pass
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    New Paramedic moving to North Carolina

    Thanks for all y’all responses. Just another question. What are the hiring processes like? Competitive? How many start the academies and how many graduate? How many are still employed?
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    New Paramedic moving to North Carolina

    Also I forgot but like I said i am a brand new out of school paramedic. I want to go somewhere I can learn and become a good paramedic. I have no ego and what want to be surround by people that will only help me become better.
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    New Paramedic moving to North Carolina

    Thanks for the quick replies. Yea my husband is transferring with his company to N.C. and they have yards in Cary, Charlotte, and Winston Salem. So really any of those locations are in the possible plan. I was looking into Medic and we traveled to Charlotte and liked what we saw. From what I...
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    New Paramedic moving to North Carolina

    Hello I am a brand spanking new paramedic and my husband and I am looking to move to North Carolina. I have three years experience in EMS and one of those years was working for Grady in Atlanta and I also got my paramedic education through Grady. My question is I have recently taken a year off...