Recent content by msaver

  1. M

    Need urgent answers - Failed Protocols Exam!

    The part about the NITRO is not necessarily true. Where I am from we carry nitro in our stat box and we can administer with permission from med control
  2. M

    EMS workers allowed to carry weapons...

    I'm from VA and this law will apply to me. Like any rule or law it has a good side and a bad side: It allows for EMS workers to protect themselves, but I would be worried that it could get in the way and a patient could grab it especially while you are very close to them in the rig (leaning over...
  3. M

    EMS degree to Medical School

    This has been a great help everyone. I greatly appreciate it! Hopefully all works out haha
  4. M

    EMS degree to Medical School

    Alright, I am considering going into EMS as a career medic rather than just being a basic volunteer. I have a desire to get a degree in Emergency Health Sciences if I do this. However, I am afraid that I will become unsatisfied as just a paramedic and want to go on and get my MD. If I get my BS...
  5. M

    Blood Pressure on the Road

    I realize it is very tempting to just use the monitor on your truck. However, if you do not know how the monitor takes a blood pressure I'll explain it like a paramedic explained to me the other day. The cuff inflates like any blood pressure cuff but instead of listening for sounds the cuff will...
  6. M

    Unconscious kid lying in a room

    Okay you suspected a spinal injury, so you would never do the head chin tilt. Do jaw thrust. And you would only bag the guy if his breathing was inadequate.
  7. M

    Using EMT Skills off-duty

    It all depends on the situation, but you are very limited in what you can do. If it is possible, I would recommend acquiring a jump kit/trauma bag that you can carry in your vehicle. Your squad may furnish this for you, just ask your Lt. or Cpt. If it's a serious crash, do not try to extricate...