Recent content by mined

  1. M

    EMS week

    Happy EMS Week!
  2. M

    Becoming the perfect EMT

    It is a timely tradition to give the rookie crap, however, it is also expected that the rookie its going to bust their *** to prove they belong. Starting with checking the unit and replacing whatever is missing. If you are having trouble ask you preceptor to guide or help you don't blow through...
  3. M

    Las Vegas Fire looking to take over transports from AMR

    Certainly there are pros and cons to a split system. On the one hand the ffmedic would get back to the action faster if they turn over care. On the other hand can they guarantee continuity of care for their patient. Yes, on paper a medic is a medic, however, we have all seen paper medics. FF/...
  4. M

    Bed Delays.... The foreign concept, only not.

    In Virginia you cannot leave the patient like that. Of a crew wants to go out of service to let the hospital use their cot that's on that crew. No crew or cot is going to stay in the ER indefinitely while hospital beds are found. That hospital would have put on diversion until such time as they...