Recent content by marineman

  1. M

    Driving an Ambulance

    That would be a very effective approach. Our company everyone has to take turns being strapped to a long board on the cot while someone else drives. It's amazing how quickly some people improve their driving after getting off the cot.
  2. M

    Basic CPR Question

    Its not the AHA standard yet but hands only CPR is even making it into ALS protocols now to an extent. My service (100% medic) just changed over to CCR, put a non-rebreather on the patient and place an oral airway then perform continuous compressions immediately. We are still expected to...
  3. M

    How close is your Trauma Center?

    My FT gig is in the ER of a level 2 so I guess that's 0 min. There are a total of 5 hospitals in the general area (about a 20 mile stretch along the lake) and the other 4 are all considered level III's just by chance, they divert anything that sounds remotely traumaish to us. Nearest level I...
  4. M

    Where you taught when you can exceed the legal limits to your practice?

    I clicked no because I never exceed my scope of practice but I will (rarely) modify my scope of practice if need be. I'm a volunteer first responder in a rural area. I work as a paramedic for the service that covers 911 in our area. I have maybe once or twice responded as a first responder...
  5. M

    Is money this tight?

    Ours are retired or rechassied around 250k. Our previous mechanic did a little study and found that 250 for most trucks was the economical breaking point where maintenance became more expensive than a new truck.
  6. M

    Pain Control

    I'm not sure what their big stink about it is either, hydromorphone is also pregnancy category C and they will give it all the time without a second thought.
  7. M

    Continuing education?

    There are fast paced programs all over the place and they are all a terrible idea. EMS works weird schedules and a lot of programs are tailored around those schedules. Locally I have 3 schools that offer either weekend or night classes for Paramedic.
  8. M

    Pain Control

    Question for those of you carrying and using Toradol, do you have to verbally screen pregnancy first with females or can you just give it? In the hospital all but 1 doc make us wait until we have a neg preg test before we can give it. Granted in the field you don't have access to the tests but...
  9. M

    Finally pursuing my dream

    Paramedic class is stupid easy. The textbooks are written so a third grader could understand them and the tests are written to the lowest common denominator. No matter how easy class seems to you remember that at some point someones life will depend on your ability to recall the fine print on...
  10. M

    Pain Control

    I agree with you 100% however our medical director is honestly as hands off as possible which is complete BS if you ask me but nobody asks me. I wish I could post our protocols for all to view how bad they are but the only place they are online is on our employee website and a login is required...
  11. M

    Pain Control

    My only option is morphine, protocols allow 2x5mg doses before I have to call. I have been begging for Fentanyl and Ketorolac for a while now and our medical director says until people start using what you have why would I give you more? I hate that so many people under treat pain. I'm sure...
  12. M

    Motorcycle EMS riders????

    Just bought this two weeks ago, rain and or snow every day since then but I've still managed to get 300 miles on it. I guess I'm one of those goofy people that look at a motorcycle as a means of transportation and I like the creature comforts (radio and a cruise control). Ride defensively and...
  13. M

    New old guy

    I don't know about anything in TN specifically but I will tell you your age probably won't hold you back in getting a job if you have your cert. They probably won't be willing to pay for schooling because they just won't be able to get the return on their investment. Most larger cities have...
  14. M

    Paramedic certified or degree??

    Before I signed up for school I called the service I planned to work for and their exact words were "An AAS is the way of the future." if you plan on sticking it out in EMS it's worth having and you will be a more knowledgeable provider because of it out of the gate. If you're a short timer...
  15. M

    New policy regarding 201/302 patients.

    p.s. if your management has the IQ of a pea they would realize that if PD requests transport of a patient in their custody then the PD can be held responsible for the bill.