Recent content by Marinelayer

  1. M

    CARE ambulance

    In my experience, the majority of LA and OC fire crews are very appreciative of the work we do.
  2. M

    Care vs. PRN

    Why would you even consider PRN?
  3. M

    ELITE Ambulance in Los Angeles

    This company is such a joke. the entire management team/dispatch are miserable and hate their jobs. Medicare fraud is rampant. The rigs look nice, but it's all smoke and mirrors. Employees are extremely complacent, and morale is low. Expect to run 8-10 dialysis calls over a twelve hour period...
  4. M

    How can I improve on my mapping skills?

    Here in LA County, there is no need for anything but a Thomas Guide. It's an amazing tool that I think is better suited for EMS navigation than any GPS unit. Flipping pages also forces you to get to know your coverage area. Make sure you know where you are at all times, and try marking the...
  5. M

    IFT Companies So Cal

    I agree with Chris07, and I've heard good things about AmeriCare. I know they received the Santa Monica contract about six months ago after Gerber lost it. If you want to get in with a good company, then be aggressive about it. Don't just settle for filling out an online application and...
  6. M

    IFT Companies So Cal

    Falck now owns both companies. And although their hiring process may be stringent and long, that is no reason not to apply.
  7. M

    IFT Companies So Cal

    Woodtownemt: If you want to work for a good company here in LA, and sharpen your skills as an EMT responding on emergency calls, your best opportunities are going to be with CARE or McCormick. They are both owned by the same company, have the lions share of 911 contracts within Los Angeles...
  8. M

    CARE Ambulance OCo/LCo comment? Offered position, trying to decide.

    They say an academy isn't required, but preferred. Some of the spots also require upwards of 5000 hours worked in order to apply. And I agree with you, CARE is a great company. I enjoy going to work everyday. As for SoCAl911's question, I'm not sure how training with CARE will compare with...
  9. M

    CARE Ambulance OCo/LCo comment? Offered position, trying to decide.

    As long as your ink isn't visible, you're fine. As for working another gig, you'll have to ask management during training. I can't imagine it would be a problem, as long as you agree to the requirements of full time availability and show up for your shifts. CARE is a great place to work, I'm...
  10. M

    CARE Ambulance OCo/LCo comment? Offered position, trying to decide.

    If you have tattoos on your arms, make sure to get long sleeves from the quartermaster when you pick up your uniforms. Congrats!
  11. M

    CARE Ambulance OCo/LCo comment? Offered position, trying to decide.

    I work for CARE, and I have nothing but good things to say about the company. All of their private cars are available for fire coverage, so even if you're stuck doing IFT's, you'll be running some 911. You won't get placed on a dedicated fire car until you have the seniority to do so, meaning...
  12. M

    LA County Enough is enough!!

    Ha! Well stated
  13. M

    LA County Enough is enough!!

    Although I don't agree with everything in your post, I think you have a lot of great points. And you are correct, ethnicity and nationality have nothing to do with it. My apologies if I offended anyone.
  14. M

    CARE ambulance

    CARE is a great company to work for. And contrary to popular opinion, working an IFT car, does not mean you won't be running 911. Every ambulance is available for fire coverage, and I rarely work an IFT shift without running a fire call. All new hires will float through the system before...
  15. M

    LA County Enough is enough!!

    I had the great misfortune of working for a Russian owned IFT company here in LA county, I hated going to work, and everybody else hated going to work. Group morale was very low. 99% of our job was transporting people to and from dialysis, one after the other, often without a proper break...