Recent content by hilliardxc

  1. H

    Vanbulances (Type II) for ALS?

    Maybe it is the vans we use. But with the cot in the truck I can barley sit next to the pt, let alone work on them. And I am a small person. But it can be done, and we do do it. Just not ideal in my mind where I like to be able to reach my pt and supplies with out doing gymnastics to get to my...
  2. H

    Code 3 IFT?

    Working both fire department and private ems doing IFT I see alot. Running code 3 on an IFT happens alot more often for us, being in a big city with a lot of small hospitals that are more of bandaid station than hospitals. We do a lot of critical care type transfers for like trauma, stemi...
  3. H

    Vanbulances (Type II) for ALS?

    I understand that you can do everything in the back of vans. But is comfortable for pt of any really size NO, or for the provider the same goes. I work in vans all the time. You start putting vents, monitor, and a couple of drips from your pump and 280lbs pt. You are out of space to work really...