Recent content by guardian528

  1. guardian528

    Cop arrests fire captain

    hey, haven't been on here in a couple months, so sorry for the repost if thats the case, but i just found this
  2. guardian528

    So I was playing with a lighter

    so i was playing with a car So... I was playing with a car and I wanted to test my airbag... It works. But it left a bruise on my face, and my car is totalled... Anyway any tips on hiding my stupidity from anyone that might care? or tips on how to explain my test to the insurance...
  3. guardian528

    Attention Americans:

    you should be a sports commentator.
  4. guardian528

    Fire Engine vs. Amtrak

    seriously. driver of that train was probably listening to an ipod or putting make up on or something. didn't they see the flashy lights? geez, pull right and stop jerk
  5. guardian528


  6. guardian528


    anybody live in the dallas fort worth area? i might be moving out there in a year or so for chiropractic college, just wanted some people's opinions on what the living is like there
  7. guardian528

    Live Scan

    they are criminal records, and it is illegal to share criminal records. something along those lines. personally, i think its kinda dumb, i mean, if they are MY criminal records, shouldn't I be able to authorize other people looking at them?
  8. guardian528

    Should your jacket be black or green?

    we have both, and are required to wear hi-viz when on a call on a roadway
  9. guardian528

    What do hospitals do for you?

    we have access to the employee bathroom. thats just about it. very nice attitudes however, not the least bit hostile
  10. guardian528

    Who was on duty for NYE?

    very busy night for us. i might have slipped a 30 min nap in there, otherwise up all night. shooting, stabbing, pediatric code... a whole medley of stuff
  11. guardian528

    New Years Eve Plans ??

    working, seeing who gets the first call of 2010!
  12. guardian528

    What light do you carry on your belt?

    or you could go for the Strion LED, also by streamlight, its what I have. extremely bright(i think like 160 lumens at its brightest if that means anything to you), but small enough for a pocket, which is why i got it instead of the stinger
  13. guardian528

    Monitoring Equipment on AMR Vehicles

    what makes your system different than a normal monitor? the Lifepak 12 and 15's can transmit all their info already
  14. guardian528

    EMT duo on break let pregnant mom die

    this is from one of the articles, but i'm curious to find out what training they actually have, as here they used 'medic' and 'emt' interchangeably, and the media frequently uses blanket terms like 'medic' to describe anyone associated with ems. so i'm interested to see if they are actually...
  15. guardian528

    Funny one liners you've said to overheard to a patient

    "are you sure this isn't just your period?"