Recent content by emtvic17

  1. E

    Job Interview next week.

    Yea buddy!!!!!!!!! Must of done something right! Got a call yesterday while doing some ride-time for medic school, get my physical friday and I start in 3 weeks!
  2. E

    Greatest Contributor to Burnout in EMS

    Entering the field for the wrong reasons, I believe if you have an honest desire to help people in need, youll have a fulfilling career in EMS. Thats just me.
  3. E

    EMT-B class, online test cheating....a rant.

    One thing I learned in EMT school, and now through Medic school, dont worry about what every one else in your class is doing. Alot of my classmates did the very same thing you are talking about, get together for online tests, ect. Came along cardiology and Pulmonology in Medic school, all of...
  4. E

    Job Interview next week.

    Never thought about it that way, good eye opener. Regardless I was going to tell them that I would remain as an emt until I an able to work with them as a medic, what they do here is that if an emt gets certed as medic, they would run a dual medic team, only I wouldn't be in charge of the rig...
  5. E

    Job Interview next week.

    Hi all, I will be interviewing for a very competitive department for an EMT position next week and I am trying to get comfortable with some of the interview questions. There are currently 105 applicants for 5 EMT-B spots, thankfully I already work for this County for a different department...
  6. E

    Narcan question.

    give em 0.5 mg, just enough to get their respirations up, keep em happy sleeping, and avoid the projectile vomiting =), if respirations go below normal range, hit em with another 0.5mg. And if you hate the ER staff, push the rest to bring em back and leave em with some nice cleaning up to do. ;)
  7. E

    Balancing EMT shifts and college?

    Possible? Yes. Hard? Yes. I went into medic school right after EMT, working 2 part time jobs and still in medic school at the moment, 6 more months to go, the medic program lasts a year here. It is hard, but if you want it bad enough, you will find a way to make it work.