Recent content by DRB@SVFD

  1. D

    Hard Time in Paramedic School

    I am also just starting my program, 5 weeks in. I am doing well grade wise, but feel that I am spending too much time studying trying to sift through what is the most important information. My instructor only uses the pre-made power point presentations w/o using any additional teaching...
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    5 weeks into medic school, things are going fairly well, 2nd in the class overall. Love your...

    5 weeks into medic school, things are going fairly well, 2nd in the class overall. Love your comments/advice in the forum. Need a little advice. What do you think is the best approach to learning all the drugs? I have to know 55 by the end of November, and the other 70 (est) by the end of...
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    Caroline's 6th ed. paramedic

    I do study the objectives, read the chapters, make flash-cards of vocab etc. I was just looking for some additional study material that would come at me in a test question format. I would not consider a study guide a "cheat" method unless that was the only source one used for study. Where...
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    Caroline's 6th ed. paramedic

    Hey everyone, new to this forum, looking for help and will give help when I can. Does anyone know of any online study guides, CD-ROM's etc. that will help with this particular text? I have the Workbook, but am looking to get some additional practice type questions or test bank type...