Recent content by dcolbert3

  1. dcolbert3

    Lead paramedic

    Zero to hero minimal 911 experience. Need advice for that confidence of being lead Please only positive responses.. THANKS!!
  2. dcolbert3

    Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

    120- failed, 2nd try @ 72 - Basic 150- Medic (1st try)
  3. dcolbert3

    Jelco IV insertion tips

    I actually like the old school ones where there is no safety guard and the needle just comes straight out. I had no troubles with those IV setups.
  4. dcolbert3

    Jelco IV insertion tips

    These are the ones. Actually got a 20g in a pts hand last night. Technique is everything... I am now always advancing the catheter all the way before retracting my needle.
  5. dcolbert3

    Jelco IV insertion tips

    Seem to shear the vein more often with them when i'm trying to pull back the needle to lock it while advancing the cath
  6. dcolbert3

    Jelco IV insertion tips

    Let me hear em'! Having trouble with these caths
  7. dcolbert3

    What do you carry? - The mega thread

    I know this has been asked before but, I'm just curious to see what people say. Stethoscope- of course Trauma shears Pen light etc..
  8. dcolbert3

    Fisdap paramedic module exams.

    They are hard! We have to pass them to pass our class. 75 questions allowed to take them twice. Wonder if the second try is the same questions since you can't look at what you got wrong?
  9. dcolbert3

    Fisdap paramedic module exams.

    How many questions are each one?
  10. dcolbert3

    Fisdap paramedic module exams.

    Any1 have experience with taking them?
  11. dcolbert3

    Testing Austin Travis County EMS

    Anyone currently working or have worked for them in the past that can give insight on the testing for the Medic 1 position? Skills look simple and straight forward The written exam is just like the national registry? confirm? Any help, advice, insight would be appreciated. Thanks!!
  12. dcolbert3

    Now im wondering..

    Is it possible to test out as aemt while in paramedic school? I put out the money to become an aemt before i got into paramedic school....
  13. dcolbert3

    Houston, Texas

  14. dcolbert3

    Houston, Texas

    Acadian is a good company to work for especially for new emt and paramedic persons with no experience
  15. dcolbert3

    Interviewing for first primary 911 service.

    Share your tips please for the interview! thanks