Recent content by daemonicusxx

  1. D

    Using in car GPS

    I wish the company i worked for would ban them. my partner relys on his way too much, i usually refer to it as his "pacifier". a full 16 shifts with a DTO to learn the city and you still have to have a GPS in the windshield to find your way around. hell, im sure he spends about 10% of his...
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    Explodey the Doe

    how many miles would you have to drive to "drive off" the points you get on the road safety computer, if you mashed the brakes on something like that. 25 points per second of high tone here. 1 point removed per 7 miles driven without tones. i would have done the same thing this LEO did.
  3. D

    EMS/Medical Superstitions.

    we rely on the trauma god. although i think i got a broke one, it only brings us interfacility transfers or alpha sick persons, or "flu like symptoms"
  4. D

    Ever get mistaken for a police officer

    Used to work for a company called Lifeguard... often asked where the "pool" was...
  5. D

    Would you have ALS'd this patient?

    ALS, shortness of breath gets all the als stuff. so does N/V, zofran.
  6. D

    Acadian Ambulance Service testing fuel-efficient vehicles

    just called my old partner that now works at Acadian. he says that everyone is upset, and voicing their concerns. i just giggled at him...
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    my question, how long was it inservice untill it was noticed
  8. D

    I made the news!!!!

    even if they didnt really show my face. im standing in front of the monitor, right next to the CPR seat. I was also driving when responding to this call.
  9. D

    Electronic PCR Printing

    use toughbooks with LIFENET ems software. print with laserjets at the hospitals. also have a fax option, you have to be connected to the truck gateway, which sends the chart to the station fax, then to the hospital (if they dont have a printer)
  10. D

    About AMR

    i busted the seat out of my pants on the AMR physical, but then i guess i do have a big butt.
  11. D

    Transporting the infant in the patrol car

    sounds like pd arrived after fd, so im sure fd had an ambu bag. at least a bls kit. not sure if pd should have txp'd or not. i wasnt there.
  12. D

    What size C-Collar does this guy get??

    he wasnt getting arrested for attempt suicide. cops got called out for a "peeping tom" apparantly he was "looking over fences" in the neighborhood. cant no one take a quite walk around there anymore????
  13. D

    what is your trigger for runs

    usually calls/runs happening coincides with me reclining the seat in the ambulance. i can sleep in the thing all day long, as long as i dont recline my seat. the second you touch that lever, off you go. and its usually BS.
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    Rusch Viewmax

    we have them on our trucks. they arent in any bags we take with us. just have their own box in a compartment. i havent gotten to use them on a patient yet. i have used them on a maniquen though.
  15. D

    What Do You Take With You On Your Shift??

    my company provided me a duty gear bag. fits in my front seat. i usually bring the obligatory stuff on me. scissors, cell phone, pen, uniform. in my gear bag is my GPS, extra pens, dig. camera, personal meds. i usually take my bag wherever i go. it goes from my apt. to the car in the morning...