Recent content by curryb15

  1. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I need some help I'm on vacation in the Bahamas tills next Saturday and I just found out I have the medical early Friday morning. Does anyone know of they will reschedule?
  2. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Number 62* I just got my psych date for oct 25th
  3. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    There was 16 of us I'm number 623
  4. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I just went for the Intake interview today and they said they where currently processing for a feb 2015 class but it wasn't set in stone
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Got my investigation appt oct 3rd at noon !
  6. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I didn't get a call but I was just informed that I got a letter from fdny prob the long awaited investigation date! I'm so excited i took the agility May 10th and I'm 62* on 4004
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Hey! Lol I am list # 62*. I know last I herd last months the lowest person on the list to revive intake letters was in the 500's. I'm just so ready to get this going and get hired ! Lol I have a perfect background and never have been fired from any job so I know there won't be issues on that part
  8. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Anyone who took there physical agility may 10th get intake letters yet ? This wait is killing me
  9. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    How can I find out the required weight before hand? I can work on it while I wait for the process. I'm 6ft and 184 now
  10. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I check that mailbox everyday with my fingers crossed lol
  11. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Hey everyone I'm 62* on 4004 and had my agility may 10th and still waiting on intake letter
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    FDNY EMS Candidates

    No problem I legit come home from work everyday on my lunch break to check for a letter and this has been going on since may 12th hahaha
  13. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I took my agility 5/10/14 and still no interview I'm list #62*
  14. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    Hey! I got a 75 on my exam and I'm list number 62*. I took the test sept 2013 and I took my agility test may 10th 2014 hope that helps !
  15. C

    FDNY EMS Candidates

    I did not get anything yet I'm list number 6** but thanks for the good news we are pretty close in list number and I have been waiting for that letter for weeks !