Recent content by creative_soul

  1. C

    How would you feel about this?

    In my EMT-B class, our scores are not made public but even though I am one of the top students in my class, I would not really want my grades being made public without my permission. I think it is unfair to volunteer you to tutor others but I may be biased since I know what it is like to barely...
  2. C


    Fair enough. I was only asking for educational purposes and did not think of it that way, I appologize.
  3. C


    Can anyone tell me where online I can find some decent real trauma pics? My instructor asked us to view some pictures to get an idea of what we will be in for, but I have not been able to find much. Thanks!:)
  4. C

    Long question, need some thoughts

    Is your primary instructor there during all of the assistant's yelling and such? If he/she is, I am really surprised that they have not said anything about it being inapropriate and made sure the behavior stopped. <_<
  5. C

    Whats in your bag??

    Thanks, those are some things I didnt think of :)
  6. C

    Whats in your bag??

    Just wondering what every EMT should have in their bag and why for any of the not so obvious items. Thanks! :)
  7. C


    What items to stock my ems bad with Just wondering what supplies and tools should be in every EMT's bag and for any not so obvious things; why. Thanks!
  8. C


    Thanks everyone!:)
  9. C


    Ok, so at the severe risk of sounding stupid....what exactly classifies someone as a "whacker"? Just curious :P
  10. C


    I jusy hope the stuff I got lasts a little while anyways. My uniform is just navy cargo pants, a white polo, and black boots. Got all of it for $20 after shipping and stuff so I guess even if it sucks at least I didn't spend a fortune. Maybe you you recommend a better company to go with?:)
  11. C


    Has anyone heard of Galls? I have been looking for the uniform I need for when I start to do runs and I found some VERY reasonablly priced stuf there. Just wondering if they are good since everyone knows you get what you pay for. Thanks in advance :)
  12. C

    Funny one liners you've said to overheard to a patient

    Thanks to everyone who shared, I got many good laughs from this thread. I just started basic school and have not gone on any runs yet. It is nice to see the lighter side of the job. Now I know how most of you stay (almost) sane!:P
  13. C

    Best Boots?

    Thank you everyone for your input! :)
  14. C

    Something to Cheer Everyone Up

    Oh gee...even better. Ha ha
  15. C

    Something to Cheer Everyone Up have been around (basically) nothing but sick people. That's funny. Interesting how people who are not in the field don't always think of those things, huh?