Recent content by countryboy1871

  1. C

    Other jobs/sidework

    I'm still looking but the writing is on the wall here for me
  2. C

    Other jobs/sidework

    I'm thinking of getting a new job as a Jailer...
  3. C

    Different jobs

    The last straw was almost ending up in a fist fight over ice......sadly I can go in a private message
  4. C

    Different jobs

    I'm looking into the possibility of leaving my department and some people on here think I should after talking with me. I'm debating on if I need a new department or just a new career. I have a Associates in Fire science and a associates of art which is just basic education really. Does anyone...
  5. C

    Stupid **** your partner has said/done

    If I could figure out how to message you I'd tell you. Don't want my location on here
  6. C

    I think I'm done

    I've been looking into what jobs I could get that might be related to the Fire/Ems, like the Scott airpack guys that service and inspect airpacks. But only having fire department experience, associates in fire science and a associates of art (general education) I'm not sure what jobs I qualify for
  7. C

    I think I'm done

    I was told the same thing about my fire science degree but it's just been a expensive piece of paper
  8. C

    Stupid **** your partner has said/done

    Don't have one
  9. C

    I think I'm done

    I would love to relocate to Washington state, my wife's family is there and I have a few friends that have moved there. But there's a catch 22, I we can't move to Washington until I already have work set up, but I can't get work set up until we get up there.
  10. C

    I think I'm done

    This is my first Fire Ems department. I hate transfers because the hospital forgets we do work for them, a 6 hour round trip transfer for a patient that has NOTHING wrong with them. Had a transfer at 1am and they were being transferred for a " consult". Plus my schedule 24 duty, 24 call, 24 D...
  11. C

    I think I'm done

    I have been working at my department for almost 5 years but I have been questioning if I'm in the right career for a while now. I can't tell if I hate my job or if I just hate my department (Fire/Ems). My department has been described as "toxic and broken" by coworkers and a Chaplin. Things...
  12. C

    Stupid **** your partner has said/done

    That's not even the worst thing this person has done this month. I'm on the verge of quitting but Im not sure what my next move should be, or if I even want to stay in this career because this department.
  13. C

    Stupid **** your partner has said/done

    Almost got in a fist fight with me because I emptied the ice cooler on the truck I was checking after he had already emptied it without telling me. Then proceeded to throw 5 buckets of ice on the floor before storming out back. My chief asked why he could hear his asst. chief yelling through a...