Recent content by Captain 24

  1. C

    New Sprinter Type II Ambulance

    Thanks for the info we are located in a mix of mountains and hills have not seen any of these trucks yet, but the commission is dead set in buying one.
  2. C

    New Sprinter Type II Ambulance

    What do you mean by worst truck ever is there certain things specific.
  3. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    Well here we are again angry with each other so I will put it simply if I offended any one I am sorry I don't wish to do that and it was bad judgement on my part. We all run our service different and if you all don't approve that's fine we don't all have to agree. The spell check thing I...
  4. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    First of all I see you only read what you want and don't read the whole message. I explaned the main reason I asked for the speed change and do not talk about my staff ever we all perform to the state standered just like eveyone else does in the state or country they practice in. Its not the...
  5. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    First of all dont start by degradding any of they staff that might work here. that said. You really need to do aliitle more reaserch on trucks. When that truck was speced at the time no one new that truck had a govener set at that level. when the dealer delveried it, it was the first time they...
  6. C

    Does your BLS protocal incl. glucose monitor finger-stick?

    West Virginia According to the Protocols that we follow it states that the blood sugar reading must be below 80 in order to give oral glucose. it does not matter weither if they are awake enough or not. If they cant swallow you just put it between the cheek and gum.
  7. C

    New Sprinter Type II Ambulance

    We are looking at buying a Sprinter TypeII. I was wondering if anyone else was running one, and what should we look out for?
  8. C

    EMT-B info?

    The National class is not that bad, but when I did it we did not have all the computer testing we actually tested at the end of class in the same fire station I took the class in.
  9. C

    EMT-B info?

    I'm not sure about Flordia but in West Virginia if you dont take the class in State you have to have a valid National card, and get a letter from a service that will show you are affiliated with them. Then you have to take the State Test and Practicals, then you cant pracice in the State until...
  10. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    Yes we all no the stats, we know the danger, but there is no difference in danger weither your speeding our crossing a intersection when the light is red. I was just trying to see if any service has this truck i know there is a lot of these out there. I was just at the AEV plant to look at our...
  11. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    I thought that there where some people that ran emergent calls that showed a need for a quick responce or transport. We are located 50 miles to the closest facility and helicopters arnt always around is was just wondering if anyone has a truck like this and was looking for a fix. But I guess...
  12. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    To answer to some about is that not fast enough well yes if your the boss, but to the guy in the field no since the interstate speed is 75mph. I also found that the Dodge is set at 78, Ford F450 is at 80, and the Chevy 4500 is at 82.
  13. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    When i say the Dodge dealer wont touch i mean they wont service it or work on an componet on it. I also found the reson for the speed restriction its a saftey that the fed gov put on these trucks running the 19.5 tire so that includes the Dodge, Ford, & Chevy
  14. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    No that's not the spinter what it is the dodge version of the 450 modles and on its size it only is a 96 box. Its only 4 inches wider than the standered type 1. Also the dodge dealer won't touch it. Was just wondering if anyone else is running one.
  15. C

    Road speed on new ambulance

    Our service recently puchased a Dodge 4500 type1 4x4 the truck is a pretty good truck but the biggest complant is that the road speed is set at about 78 mph. The bad side to that is that we work a lot on the interstate and at that speed we almot get run over. So the question is does any one...