Recent content by bradpop14

  1. bradpop14

    why we do what we do

    I have to agree with Angel. I went to EMT school because I was inbetween jobs, I've always loved helping people, and the thought of being there for someone in there darkest hour drove me to it. Since the first day of class I was hooked. The skills, anatomy, physio, and the comradory we had...
  2. bradpop14

    Duty to Act Info

    This would never happen in CA. Everyone has a virus, and the only cure is to sue!
  3. bradpop14

    PCR Narrative

    NJEMT95 I just wasn't looking hard enough. Found what I needed!! If a mod could close this, that would be appreciated
  4. bradpop14

    PCR Narrative

    Sorry if this is a redundant post. I searched around for PCR and couldn't find something. DrankTheKoolaid do you have any reference for abbreviations?
  5. bradpop14

    PCR Narrative

    Hey fellow EMS personnel! New to the forum and EMS in general. I recently was hired on through an IFT company here in LA County. Part of my field training was the proper way to write a narrative. While on my first shift I realized how hard it is for me to lay out an organized, precise, and...
  6. bradpop14

    Basic->Medic or Basic->AEMT->Medic

    Some counties don't even recognize the AEMT cert. In LA County there is no job placement as an AEMT. You're either EMT-B or a Medic. Now, some companies may give a pay increase. But, unless you're with a company that has a license to perform ALS, the AEMT scope of practice will never be utilized...
  7. bradpop14

    LA County EMT certification wait time

    It depends. If you have any criminal history it takes longer to investigate and decide. Joan Lockwood is the background investigator and to my knowledge the only one working as an investigator right now. So it will take awhile. My cert took a month for the entire process. It also depends on...
  8. bradpop14

    Physical Agility Test

    The IFT company I am with had a simple course. 1.)Grab your jump bag and AED and run up a flight of stairs then back down 2.)Unload the gurney from the rig with an employee on it. 3.) Properly maneuver around the station lot 4.)enter the building and collapse the gurney to match the height of...
  9. bradpop14

    How much does weight matter?

    I'm working with an IFT company in downtown LA and we have several heavier set employees. Now like everyone said above, as long as you have proper lifting techniques (which your company should provide training/course for) and you can lift then you will be fine! We are glorified gurney jockeys...