Recent content by boerbull

  1. boerbull

    Nitronox. Why isn't it used anymore?

    Here in the Netherlands almost every ambulance carries entonox, but not everybody uses it. We are only allowed to use it outside of the ambulance. Problem is that most medics here don’t believe it works because they have tried it and it doesn’t work. My experience is that it is great to use in...
  2. boerbull

    EMS1 ECG Challenge: The Court's Verdict

    Shape of the ST segments anterior looks like they are pulling up. Serial ECG in this one is very important. I would not activate PCI, but with a presentation like that I would transport to PCI capable facility. I wonder if posterior ecg would show something here?
  3. boerbull

    What made you actually chose to become a paramedic?

    After 12 years in the military I decided to get a job were I can spend some more time with my family. I guess this is all i can do.
  4. boerbull

    NG/OG tubes with intubation

    My service recently started using the I-Gel O2. According to the manufacturer it is very easy to insert the NG tube, that is supplied with it. Do any of you guys have any experience with it? I haven't used it yet, cause it is used as a backup for ET
  5. boerbull

    NG/OG tubes with intubation

    NGtube is also standard in my protocol, but I must be honest with the short transport times I have, I usually don't do it. No excuse I know especially after using BVM.
  6. boerbull

    rectal administration of ASA

    We use Aspegic iv, if patients are not able to take medication P.O.
  7. boerbull

    Ticagrelor (Brilinta)

    Where I work this is standard in our STEMI protocol. We started last year November. It replaced the plavix
  8. boerbull

    Name The Rhythm

    A colleague of mine had a call to a 60 yo male with severe SOB and occasional chest pains for two day's. Upon arrival the pt had a ECG quit similar to this one. My colleague suspected a main stem stenosis or a pulmonary embolism. Pt went into VFIB before any treatment except for O2. Got ROSC...
  9. boerbull

    Rapid Sequence Induction HOWTO?

    We don't wait 20min. Our control room can judge by the call if they are needed and alarm them together with us. I can then cancel them if I don't need them. If I run into trouble on scene, we will rv on a LZ on the way to a trauma center. I'm just wondering what all these researchers are...
  10. boerbull

    Rapid Sequence Induction HOWTO?

    I agree with education improving the skills. I am definitely for RSI. Like a said: In the real world you don't have a anesthesiologist ready for every RSI case. So instead of dishing RSI, concentrate on training and education. Just wondering, when we RSI a patient we put him on a ventilator...
  11. boerbull

    Rapid Sequence Induction HOWTO?

    Very interesting slideshow. RSI has always been very controversial. I don't think that in the real world you can get rid of it. Here in the Netherlands we have a extreme ideal situation were we can almost always get a anesthesiologist within 20 min. But that is because this country is so small...
  12. boerbull

    Are Medics Esentially RNs In rigs

    No doctors on the ambulance. What we do have is a number of Mobile Medical teams. These are teams of a anesthetist and a nurse that provides additional skills for the ambulance crews. What we also have is a after hours GP service that is also mobile. If we think that it's not necessarily for a...
  13. boerbull

    Are Medics Esentially RNs In rigs

    I work in the Netherlands. Here there is a RN on every ambulance. To be an ambulance nurse you first have to build up some clinical experience in a hospital for a few years and specialize in ICU, trauma, CCU or anesthesia. Lately some services also accept military nurses with at least 6 years...
  14. boerbull

    Tell Me and I Will Forget (Paramedic Documentary)

    My brother works in Pretoria. He used to work in Johannesburg. I am currently working as a ambulance nurse in the Netherlands. I have done ” ride alongs” with him many times. Government service in the other provinces is definitely worse than in Cape Town, but it’s not all bad. I don’t like the...