Recent content by BasicFirst

  1. B

    Difficult new partner

    Just an update...working again with this partner...I approached the day in a positive way ":) goodmorning-how's things-wanna grab coffee?" -all that nice nice bs & was literally ignored. Then we get called to out main hq. driving like an *** again & texting. I get there to find out it's because...
  2. B

    Difficult new partner

    @tssemt & @abckidsmom THANK YOU FOR GETTING IT! & I'll try that technique with an open mind...however, if i were a betting person...
  3. B

    Difficult new partner

    Perhaps the fault is more with the about we call it 60/40. The medic in charge (ALS coordinator) should provide a lecture on how things are supposed to be done there, instead of a "whatever" way you want it, every man for himself...organization is the key
  4. B

    Difficult new partner

    @flightmedic...this was not a "its my call" type of an was the lack of coordination, running into a house with nothing?! Standing over a pt?!?! re-asking/performing assessment?!?!
  5. B

    Difficult new partner

    he didnt violate propocols, the call (& calls) ran without a flow or order...
  6. B

    Difficult new partner

    @dan-LaGuardia college, 2009
  7. B

    Difficult new partner

    @fast65: I am referring to a set of SOPs, there is no standard at this company & when I asked day 1 I was told..."It's whatever" by the ALS coordinator...
  8. B

    Difficult new partner

    @mycroft: I intend to stick it out, I am not a fan of quitting. I've never talked bad about a company....I never talk about a company....or war stories. & never come to work unprepared or hungover or without an impecible uniform & shined boots & with professional "yes sir, no sir" dialogue...
  9. B

    Difficult new partner

    Not "because I said so" their training is what it is after years and years of watching pt's and EMTs get hurt and killed, they've developed a pretty good way of doing things & they are highly regarded.
  10. B

    Difficult new partner

    @fast65- Yes, very true. As I said my emotions (& likely his) won out here. Would anyne agree that SOME advanced training, not to mention years of experience is better than none? My way seems to be the only way-there is such a lack of any nailed down "way" here its impossible to know WHAT to...
  11. B

    Difficult new partner

    ^ I agree with your statements. I am somewhat reluctant to sit back, only due to this company providing 911 service, any call can turn into a disaster if you're not prepared properly. I do know I am not under any supervision & my partner is in no way a preceptor or supervisor. The company is...
  12. B

    Difficult new partner

    Perhaps I wasn't explaining myself clearly. My training is reguarded as the best by outsiders, from within they make point to say they *strive* to be the best. I did let emotion get the best of me, it was a mutual "screw you". Furthermore, sitting down and having a calm, clear conversation...
  13. B

    Difficult new partner

    This is exactly the point I'm trying to have come across... There are roles but it's a team effort. For the driver medic perhaps they should fall back & stay primarily in that role. I.E.obtaining rx, hx, all, demo, watching the techs back.
  14. B

    Difficult new partner

  15. B

    Difficult new partner

    Okay so, I am fairly new to a private company providing 911 service to a large town. My background is 8 years (6 bls, 2 als). I was fortunate enough to take part in an elite para-military training program that is taught by a very experienced ems team. It was drilled into us the importance of...