Recent content by AVALANCHE


    Suspended for possible policy violation...

    Thanks for all of the info and replies everyone! I was able to contact OC EMS and they DO NOT require an EMT with an RN in the patient compartment. However in LA County they do.

    ER Techs, currently working for Kaiser in SoCal

    Which Kaiser was this for? I try to keep an eye out in OC but it seems like they are always listed internally.. or in NorCal

    Suspended for possible policy violation...

    But that was the excuse they were trying to use, that a county policy was violated. How about a policy that isn't even written in a manual for the company?

    Suspended for possible policy violation...

    They are reviewing our incident reports and are "investigating". Though I've never heard of anyone in the company coming back from a suspension. I'm waiting for them to contact me and I will demand a detailed explanation. Forgot to mention in my original post that this type of thing isn't...

    Suspended for possible policy violation...

    Myself as the driver and the RN? Or is the RN not technically considered EMS?

    Suspended for possible policy violation...

    I work at a SoCal company as an EMT-B and while on an IFT call hospital to SNF, we were informed we'd need an RN along as well that will take charge of the call. They have a company car that they met us in the hospital with. When we gathered the patient (which did require ALS level of care), I...

    Ulna soreness/pain while lifting patients, please advise

    I keep picturing those damned arm wrestling videos where someone's forearm suddenly snaps backwards!! So nothing really to worry about then?

    Ulna soreness/pain while lifting patients, please advise

    Hey guys, I'm a new EMT and we mostly have dialysis patients so it's a lot of draw sheeting. I'm in okay shape, kind of muscular build but don't really work out. I'm getting worried though, when we draw sheet (but not usually when lifting the gurney) and we're lifting a patient, the middle of my...

    CARE vs. LifeLine in Orange County, CA

    Thanks to everyone who replied to this thread while I lurked on it. I was offered a position with Lifeline, and have just confirmed a job offer from Care as well. I think I'm going to go for the latter based on my experience and everyone's input. I feel bad about Lifeline and would like to help...

    CARE vs. LifeLine in Orange County, CA

    Hello all, I just submitted applications for both CARE and LifeLine today and received a call back at the same time for them both (a good thing, I hope). I have an interview with LifeLine first followed by CARE next week. The process for the former seems super simplified compared to the latter...