Recent content by AcuteBlueWaffle

  1. AcuteBlueWaffle

    Scenario - For students

    Ok, my best educated guess is an MI with until convinced otherwise. Out of curiosity, what does the ETCO2 below the average (35-45) mean? I can't seem to figure it out. Did she change in appearance with the o2?
  2. AcuteBlueWaffle

    Scenario - For students

    Obstructive shock. But what I'm confused about is normally (i thought), patients get cyanosis because they aren't getting oxygen rich blood in PEs because of the obstruction. I guess I just need help with how to distinguish which route to go. Other than rales/crackles in the lungs (PE), don't...
  3. AcuteBlueWaffle

    Scenario - For students

    After I slept on it, I'm thinking MI. 1) She's in cardiogenic shock and can't pump well enough peripherally, thus causing the increased cap refill. 2) The sympathetic NS is activated with her lack of oxygen to her heart. 3) women tend to have more "silent" MIs and she might not have pain per...
  4. AcuteBlueWaffle

    Scenario - For students

    Excuse me for my probably under-educated response, but i'm going to take a stab at it She's clearly having a sympathetic response. BP? pain? BGL? Does/has she felt weak/sick at all? LOC? 1. PE (sudden onset, low O2, tachypnea/tachycardia BUT no cyanosis?) 2. MI (sudden onset, low O2, pale...