Recent content by 100aces

  1. 1

    Received CPR 5 wks ago

    nope-- EMT and Hospital records were so poor, even my MD can't figure out if I coded on the way or in the ER. Nothing charted if I came back spontaneously or if they shocked me. I still have sternal pain upon deep breaths. Just happy to be above ground.:D:D:D
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    Received CPR 5 wks ago

    changes to be made. Selling my motorcycle to help pay for a good change. 1st 2 days at home, my meds stole all my bladder and bowel control. got the usual rashes, had to have home visits. So embarrassing, I can't safely step out of my shower any more, so here is the good change. Next...
  3. 1

    Received CPR 5 wks ago

    I had CPR preformed on me 5 wks ago. I remember being in the ambulance but then all went blank until I woke up in Cardiac ICU. This was my 3rd MI, the 1st being 19 years ago, which was my "big one". 2nd was 7 years ago and was classified as minor. Let me note, I am a retired RN with some...