What do you carry? - The mega thread


Mostly Ignorant
I notice American doctors often wear the lab coat, and this often has their name printed on it.

I don't understand this, I've never seen it anywhere else but on TV shows
Perception is reality. Many people will be less inclined to question a person in a white coat. Creating an instantly recognizable doctor is more important to those trying to sell healthcare. Infection control? Ehhhh....


Flight RN/Paramedic
Wow this thread make a resurrection

I think I posted a while ago, but here's my updated list for my 2 jobs.

Per-diem BLS EMS job (911 city contract, transfers at times too):
Shirt (polo): ID lanyard clip with IDs and small flashlight for checking pupils, pen.
Pants: index cards, Littmann Cardiology 3, around 2 pairs of small gloves (for my delicate little baby hands :p), medium gloves for when my hands are sweaty (though I rarely wear gloves on calls), needle resistant gloves, wallet, phone, and Burt's Bees. Rarely, I'll carry a small knife. Trauma shears get tucked between belt and pants in the small of my back. Radio goes on my left hip on a belt, watch on left wrist, Code Green Campaign bracelet on the right wrist (sometimes). Car keys stay in the ambulance.

Full time ED RN job:
Scrubs shirt: ID lanyard clip with IDs and small flashlight for checking pupils, pen, highlighter, 16g, 18g, 20g IVs (most common sizes I use. I don't like digging around looking for the correct size in the IV tray).
Scrub pants: index cards (sometimes), PALS and ACLS quick reference cards, needle-resistant gloves, occasionally a prep-wipe or a few, permanent marker, Burt's Bees, and cell phone. Again, trauma shears get tucked between belt and pants in the small of my back. Wallet and car keys go into my locker, stethoscope usually stays in the nurse's station unless I need it for something. Watch on the left wrist, Code Green Campaign bracelet on the right wrist (sometimes).

Written out it looks like a ton of stuff, but I try not to carry a lot.


I know a guy who knows a guy.
I have again cut my pocket crap way down. I'm on an ambulance, based at a station, so I've got everything I really need in the truck or at the station.

Now, I'm only carrying my phone, raptor shears, a pen, wallet and my radio. That's it. Maybe a pack of gum at night. My stethoscope might make it in the truck unless I forget to grab it. :(


Forum Probie
Typically on in and around the polo, 5.11 pants, and boots: couple pairs of gloves, pens, small notepad, trauma shears, an extra hair tie, id badge, phone, any cash or cards I have, and work radio if needed.


Forum Crew Member
Station wear is - Nomex pants and a polo. I carry a benchmade triage knife and a pen in my polo sleeve pocket.
Bunker pants - left pocket is a channellock the rescue tool (89 version.) 25 feet of webbing. left pocket 50 feet of rescue rope attached to a carabiner, golf ball, and a couple bucks just in case.
Bunker coat - left pocket left extrication glove, right pocket right extrication glove haha. Outside of my coat my structure gloves are in a strap and my hood is through the loop.
Radio is in a radio strap that I just throw on either over my polo if I'm on the medic or a medical call or under my bunker coat on a fire.

Seems like a lot but I'm pretty streamlined lol.
Leatherman Raptor
Nextel pouch (for txp)
Batclip + Scope
Keybak + Ambulance keyless remote on S-biner
Mechanix fastfit gloves on S-biner
Glove pouch
Otterbox defender holster
Pulseox in Pouch
Disposable shears in dedicated pouch
Personal radio (for volly)
Company radio (for volly)
BP cuff pouch (for txp)
Vital index cards
Tablet pen

Pics coming soon
I'm assuming you've created a customizable "bat-belt" for all of the gear you're packing, right?


Forum Asst. Chief
I carry a Glock 27 or M&P Shield 9 depending on how I feel that day. OOOO you guys mean at work lol

Pens, lots and lots of pens (Mostly because I loose them)
Pair of gloves in my pocket
and hopefully a Radio if I didnt forget it
Company phone (Unless I threw it at my partner)
and Pens haha


The PLS of BLS.
Depending on the season, Hat, sweatshirt and coat. Cell phone, radio. My personal jump kit contains. Gloves, BP cuff, Steth, Finger Pulse OX, Pocket mask, BVM, Trauma dressing, various 4X4s, bandaids. Pen light, shears, cold packs, heat packs, wet dressings, C-collar. Thats pretty much it. We live in a rural area, so our EMTs have pretty good sized jump bags, the ones who live out of town carry O2 as well. When we get paged depending on where the call is the EMTs will respond with their personal vehicles, thats why they carry their jump kits.


The PLS of BLS.
Depending on the season, Hat, sweatshirt and coat. Cell phone, radio. My personal jump kit contains. Gloves, BP cuff, Steth, Finger Pulse OX, Pocket mask, BVM, Trauma dressing, various 4X4s, bandaids. Pen light, shears, cold packs, heat packs, wet dressings, C-collar. Thats pretty much it. We live in a rural area, so our EMTs have pretty good sized jump bags, the ones who live out of town carry O2 as well. When we get paged depending on where the call is the EMTs will respond with their personal vehicles, thats why they carry their jump kits.
SAM splint, and a few airways I think. I understand that if I was out of my county I would probably not use most of this stuff. (Ive used the BP and bandaids tape etc.) But sometimes when we get paged we are closer to the scene then we are to the shed, so they will go directly. Safety is always first so please dont misunderstand our guys or girls dont just go running into any scene right off the bat.


Forum Probie
3 Throwing stars (star of life shape of course), grapple gun, smoke bombs ( for disappearing when the manager shows up.), brass knuckles, toilet paper,and an extra condom.....
Seriously though, I carry the pen i decide to lose that day, the shears I will leave in the rig, and my surefire taclite with a rather aggressive strike bezel attached, you know, to um, light things up.


Forum Lieutenant
mind you I'm a volunteer so I don't have set hours, nor post at a station. With that said I live 2 blocks from the garage, and I'm consistently first in the door to the rig.

I do keep a jump bag since we cover a large area, so if I'm in our area, but not by the garage I can respond directly to scene.

In by bag I keep ABC's, my philosophy is what do I need for 5-15min before the ambulance gets there.
- stethoscope
- BP cuffs, and a battery operated BP machine (had it around the house, might as well store it in the jump bag)
- gloves, eye protection, surgical mask
- CPR mask
- assortment of gauze (4x4's, 2x2's, rolled, couple Vaseline gauze)
- small notepad and a couple pens
- shears
- seatbelt cutter
- penlight
- small pulse ox thing
- glucometer (had it laying around after my wife's last pregnancy so why not)
To be added to bag as soon as I get a chance
- couple TQ's
- maybe a space blanket or two
- couple trauma pads

I just got a pair of 5.11 EMS pants, and I have to admit, they are the most comfortable pair of pants I've ever worn. I may stop wearing jeans at my day job, and start wearing these things.

I got them so I can keep them on a chair next to my bed, and instead of putting on my good work pants and chance getting them bled, poo'd, or vomited on I can use these instead. I like how they have lots of pockets. I doubt I'll use most of them, but I like the flexibility. I do keep a few essentials in them.
- penlight
- couple pens
- couple pairs of gloves in the one calf pocket
- wallet, keys, cellphone, radio
- trauma sheers
- pack of gum (3am dragon breath is probably not very nice for nauseous patients)
- small LED flashlight (got it free at a conference, about the size of a penlight, but throws a lot more light)


Forum Knucklehead
Perception is reality. Many people will be less inclined to question a person in a white coat. Creating an instantly recognizable doctor is more important to those trying to sell healthcare. Infection control? Ehhhh....
We make our medic students wear a short lab coat during their in-hospital clinicals. I hate it, i think they should wear scrubs in a different color, because all the patients just assume they are doctors.

Though our hospital system is changing the way they deal with this whole issue. They are getting a scrub machine and only the Chiefs will wear business dress, everyone else will be in color coded scrubs. Hopefully we will change the medic students too


Forum Ride Along
Going to sound like I'm a newbie because I am, but most of it was a gift.
-Leatherman Raptors
-Streamlight ProStylus Penlight
-CAT Tourniquet with Holster
-Spyderco Endura4
-Littman Classic III
All in rescue orange
Going to sound like I'm a newbie because I am, but most of it was a gift.
-Leatherman Raptors
-Streamlight ProStylus Penlight
-CAT Tourniquet with Holster
-Spyderco Endura4
-Littman Classic III
All in rescue orange
At least you'll know what equipment belongs to you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Forum Crew Member
  • 2+ pens (one for me, one for the public)
  • 3x5 in. notepad
  • Work phone/pager
  • Littman Classic II stethoscope
  • Shears
  • Pulse Ox
  • Penlight
  • Extra Gloves
  • Phone
  • Wallet
  • Keys
  • Pocket knife
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