Wanted; Would the real Private Contractors please stand up?


Community Leader
That has been official for a while...I am mostly referring to the 1 Billion+ in multiple contracts for hospitals, clinics, etc being currently bid on in Iraq and Africa, some things out of Afghan as well.
Yeah... they are actually recruiting at the NCEMSF conference. 6-month and longer tours.

Sounds like a nice place, at least compared to KSA.


Forum Ride Along
hey I have been an EMT-B for 2 years and worked for a 911 provider in southern California. I am currently finishing the classroom portion of medic school and am wondering if there are any companies that would hire fresh out of school. I was going to enlist right out of high school as a navy corpsman but while training to get in shape I dislocated my rt knee and took a 2 inch chunk of cartilage off the bottom of my femur which they screwed back on. I can now walk, run and pt like before but have been told by a few diff recruiters that I wouldn't make it past MEPS so I've been looking for the next best thing. Any information would be welcomed. thanks


Forum Deputy Chief
In short, no.

There are long lists of experienced medics with years of deployed experience currently looking...why would they go new grad in an austere, remote, hostile environment when they can pick from the cream of the crop of seasoned vets?

And again as stated, with the exception of 911 in Kuwait on a military base, working as a remote medic is a far cry from anything you learned in school and is no place for a new grad. Do not give me well the military does it line, because there is an exception to every rule and there are many military medical providers I would never want to touch me or my family.