The Official EMTLIFE Introduction Thread


Forum Probie
Hello. I am new here. Found the forum through google while trying to find the California ambulance drivers certificate handbook. Just got my state license a week ago.

Kevin L

Forum Probie
Hi Guys, I'm an ex-paramedic and EMT (I worked in EMS for 12 years) before I got sidelined with a spinal injury.

Well, medicine does advance, and what was unfixable years ago has now been able to get fixed surgically, so I'm working on my RN, and intend to take EMT school again so I can challege the paramedic exam and get back in the field . . . and, possibly, work in the hospital.

I found this forum because I want to exchange ideas about EMS, and how it's changed over the past 20 years that I've been out of the field.

Emily Starton

Forum Lieutenant
Hi Guys, I'm an ex-paramedic and EMT (I worked in EMS for 12 years) before I got sidelined with a spinal injury.

Well, medicine does advance, and what was unfixable years ago has now been able to get fixed surgically, so I'm working on my RN, and intend to take EMT school again so I can challege the paramedic exam and get back in the field . . . and, possibly, work in the hospital.

I found this forum because I want to exchange ideas about EMS, and how it's changed over the past 20 years that I've been out of the field.
Hi, Kevin. Welcome to the forum.

Kevin L

Forum Probie
Hi, Kevin. Welcome to the forum.
Thank you very much.

I am working on my RN now, and I intend to challenge the paramedic exam after I take my NCLEX and the EMT course again.

A lot has changed in 20 years, so I wonder if I'll even recognize my field anymore after I get certified.


Forum Ride Along
My name is Matt and I'm almost 27, I am empathetic and it has been a dream of mine lately to become a paramedic so I applied to the local technical college's Paramedicine program and am currently in my 1st semester.


Forum Ride Along
New guy. Finding my way in medical as a 2nd career. Nursing school taught me I don’t have what it takes to follow care plans for the same patient a week or two at a time. I think I’m more of a “like my patients in small and short-term doses” kind of guy. Thanks for those that have paved the EMS way.


Forum Probie
Well, I'm bored so I'll add to this. I'm a physician assistant who has been working in EMS since 2019. I have also been a licensed paramedic in California since 2006 and was an EMT for two years prior to that in a 911 system. I've been a PA since 2012 and I have worked along the acute care continuum from EMS/prehospital, ED, hospitalist, and critical care. I am about to take my CCP-C for fun too. Beyond clinical practice, I am also adjunct faculty at two PA programs in the Southern California area. I am hoping to expand my role in EMS as a PA and help pave the road for more APPs to be involved in EMS as either advanced field provider, EMS educators, and EMS coordinators/assistant medical directors.


Forum Probie
Hello! My name is Charlotte and I am an EMT-B based out of SE PA. I am also the Director of Operations for a hazard-management consulting firm working to improve community resilience. Really interested in how we train our first responders and how best to serve EVERY member of the community.



Forum Probie
“like my patients in small and short-term doses”
Then you would be a great fit! It really does keep things fresh. But there are those several hour IFT calls...if you go that route. Longest I ever had to be with a PT was 5 hours on a cross-state transport.


Idolizes Johnny and Roy
Hi! First of all, I did everything in the wrong order (posted first and then noticed this thread). Anywho here goes:

I'm Garrett. I'm a dumb Okie redneck that, after making many incorrect life decisions, is finally following God's plan for me and my dad's footsteps by entering EMS. When I graduated high school at 19, I wasted my grandparents money and MOSTLY wasted 4 years of my life at Oklahoma State, thinking I would get a job in fish and game. That didn't work out due to a variety of factors both in and out of my control. I job jumped around a little bit, landing firmly behind a gun counter, which is nowhere near as cool or fun as it sounds, and so I said "@#$% it I'm doing something with my life" and enrolled in EMT school. I was enrolled for a summer course, that got cancelled, and now am enrolled in a much more work-friendly fall course.

When Dad died at the end of June, he left me a good support network when I reconnected with his old EMS buddies, so I ain't terribly worried about failing since I got folks who can dumb it down for my simple brain.

I apologize in advance if anything I say results in the death of your brain cells, it's not intentional but it is what it is.


Forum Ride Along
Having lurked on the site for a while, I just passed the NREMT Cognitive and now have sufficient "keyboard courage" to actually post

I can see retirement from a law enforcement career on the horizon (eligible this year and unlikely to stay much past the magical date) and finally have the flexibility to dip my toes into the EMS waters I've had an interest in for years. It's equal parts "Wow, this is cool" and "Wow, what I DON'T know is VOLUMES more than what I do." So, while I'm not sure how EMS will play into post-retirement, I'm happy to "be here!"


Forum Crew Member
HI. I live in Israel. I was an EMT and EMT Instructor but took a break from EMS to have 6 kids. Now I'm back for about a year and loving it. Just found the forum and thrilled to be able to talk about EMS in English.


Forum Deputy Chief
HI. I live in Israel. I was an EMT and EMT Instructor but took a break from EMS to have 6 kids. Now I'm back for about a year and loving it. Just found the forum and thrilled to be able to talk about EMS in English.
Excited to hear about what it's like to be a hovesh!

Chris EMT J

Forum Lieutenant
Hi I am new to this forum. I am a contract Learjet 60 Pilot and volunteer AEMT. My name is Chris. What is your name and position?

Doc Carter

Forum Ride Along
First, welcome to EMTLife!

Reply to this thread with a brief introduction so that we can learn a little about you. We hope you stick around for a while and contribute to our community.

I am an old timer a combat medic in VN in 1970, EMTB, EMTA/Paramedic, Nurse, DNP, educator, explorer (went in search of Titanic and Noah’s Ark), former Chief of Rescue, SWAT Medic, Flight Nurse. It’s been a full life at 72 I am still thumping around.


Forum Ride Along
Hello everyone!

I am a 26F (almost 27) who lives in rural Montana. I got my NREMT and state license at the end of March 2021. I was working in our rural health clinic and was anticipating a Jan 2020 EMT course, but then it was canceled due to lack of interest. In Oct 2020 i began working as a EMS driver and then I went through a 3mo course in Jan of 2021. I worked as an EMT part time until last month, when a full time position opened up and I accepted it.

Happy to be here!


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Hello everyone!

I am a 26F (almost 27) who lives in rural Montana. I got my NREMT and state license at the end of March 2021. I was working in our rural health clinic and was anticipating a Jan 2020 EMT course, but then it was canceled due to lack of interest. In Oct 2020 i began working as a EMS driver and then I went through a 3mo course in Jan of 2021. I worked as an EMT part time until last month, when a full time position opened up and I accepted it.

Happy to be here!


Forum Ride Along
Hello! I'm a 20 year old new EMT (just a couple months) and recently got hired by a large EMS service in Oklahoma. I served a couple years in the Army and got honorably discharged after an injury. I'm going to Paramedic school soon and am interested in wilderness and austere medicine. My hobbies include marksmanship, reading, making music, listening to music and hiking.