
Forum Probie
Howdy! I am a 21 year paramedic student who finished all the classroom work, and start my clinical internship tomorrow.

Background, I am from Fairbanks, Alaska and I recently made the 4,000+ mile drive to Austin, Texas for my externship. The scope of practice, the call type, volume, culture, heat, everything is extremely different for me down here.

Do ya'll have any advice? Are there certain things that drive you crazy about students or things that you wish you learned sooner? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance :)


Forum Deputy Chief
1. Be early for your shift, or at least on time.
2. Offer to do things no one else wants to do.
3. Do lots of listening and little talking. Impress your preceptors with actions more than words.
4. Be open to doing some things differently than you were taught.
5. Be flexible and willing to compromise during disagreements. Even better, don't disagree.
6. Don't try to be funny unless you're making fun of yourself.
7. Don't criticize anyone -- past or present.
8. Hold questions whenever possible until after calls.
9. Don't wear fancy gadgets on your belt, but remember your steth and watch. Also, carry a pen.
10. Your appearance should be neat, clean and professional. Wear whatever approximates the uniform of the day.
11. Regarding bathroom breaks, give priority to opportunity over need.
12. Don't ask about mealtime(s). When they arrive, eat lightly.
13. If coworkers ask you about yourself, give them the abridged version.
14. Make eye contact, shake hands firmly.
15. Stay awake.
16. It's not too soon to start watching your partner's back. Your preceptors should be doing the same for you.
17. After each shift, don't say anything bad to anyone about anything that happened or anyone you met.
18. Don't lie. Don't make excuses. Admit mistakes.
19. Don't engage your preceptors bosses in conversations.
20. Don't name-drop.


Forum Probie
Thank you so much for such a thorough list!!! This will definitely help.


Forum Ride Along
mgr22 that is a stellar list of all the best do's and dont's. Do you mind if I copy it and hand it out to the medic students I see?


Forum Ride Along
Howdy! I am a 21 year paramedic student who finished all the classroom work, and start my clinical internship tomorrow.

Background, I am from Fairbanks, Alaska and I recently made the 4,000+ mile drive to Austin, Texas for my externship. The scope of practice, the call type, volume, culture, heat, everything is extremely different for me down here.

Do ya'll have any advice? Are there certain things that drive you crazy about students or things that you wish you learned sooner? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance :)

Whenever you have the chance to ask questions of the ER staff take advantage of it. Learning to build good relationships with everyone in the care chain starts on day one. Doctors and some nurses can seem intimidating but they are there if you need them.
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