I'm Back!


Forum Crew Member
Hey guys been out for a while taking care of a lot of things. Bout to finish up my intermediate class, was working 13 hour shifts at work and using most of my spare time to spend with my girlfriend. Things havn't been easy lately tho andI could use some advise. Lately at work with my current partner things have gone down the drain. I'm being accused of things by her that I haven't done, or have done (depends on what she accuses me of) and now I'm in jepordy of getting canned if it keeps up. the hardest part is trying to talk to our director about it. He jsut happens to have an established friendship with my partner so trying to tell him things arn't easy. i'm not sure waht to do. I do get a new partner next month which I'm very glad about but until the mean time I'm stuck with this partner. Any sudjestions?