Happy Halloween!


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
To everyone at EMTLife.com

Happy Halloween!

Be safe, eat lots of candy, and put the siren on extra loud!



Forum Crew Member
It was a pretty good night for us, well as of 11pm anyway when I left. We only had I think a total of 6 calls all day and 2 of them were at a flu shot clinic.....one passed out before even getting the shot! It was a very mild day, all i did was "stand by" at the flu shot clinic waiting for the next chicken and never did get one! I thought maybe with the little ones being out it could turn out to be a bad night but I think by 11pm when I left they should have all been in the house with Mom and Dad by then, the really little ones any way. I just hope the night crew has it just as easy as we did. The "big" kids are still out playing and I just hope they stay where they play tonight so they don't kill anyone. All in all we had a great day and was so bored that I waxed 2 trucks and detailed them both and checked them both off and detailed the forensic unit inside and out and cleaned the station from top to bottom and killed a big *** black widow spider that was haning out over the door to the day room waiting to bite someone......eeeeekkkk! I even got SOOO bored that I found another big old spider and got a 1cc out and decided to try a blood draw on the spider....didn't work out too well. I just got some brown and yellow stuff out of it..ewe! I hope every ones day was as nice as ours! :rolleyes:


Site Administrator
Community Leader
It's always quiet before the storm. And being that tonight is the night we celebrate Halloween ... mmmmooooooaaahahahahahahah!! [my attempt at an evil laugh]

Happy Halloween everyone. May the ghost and goblins you see tonight choose candies and sweets instead of your blood and souls. B)