FDNY EMS Candidates


Forum Captain
Hi I have a question does anyone know how long it takes generally to be called by fdny for emt basic? I just applied for exam 6003 this September...I'm hearing reports of up to 1 - 2.5 years even... I think they might still early on the 5003 list still... and I am definitely NOT waiting that long. I'm thinking about taking my als somewhere and just apply as a medic in the next application period because apparently medics get hired faster because of more demand..? Pls help
yeah medic class isn't the cheapest thing either. 2 years isn't that long, unless youre 30+ years old with kids and a mortgage. best of luck man


lvl: pumpkinslayer
I currently work at Wendy's but I'm thinking about quitting and going to a private like rca ambulance (Richmond county ambulance) or assist ambulance where I MAY get a job..they are paying 11.50 to start but I need my drivers license and I take my road test in like a few weeks anyway so... I hear privates suck more than fdny and 911 but whatever, if it helps to get my feet wet before I get a chance at fdny then whatever not to mention privates are hiring big time on noobies (I'm only 18 years old) because that means they don't have to pay you for your veteran experience...so maybe It would be a good idea to work at a private while taking my als? I have an option to pay it down with monthly payments so maybe I can just subtract it from whatever I make?


Forum Captain
I currently work at Wendy's but I'm thinking about quitting and going to a private like rca ambulance (Richmond county ambulance) or assist ambulance where I MAY get a job..they are paying 11.50 to start but I need my drivers license and I take my road test in like a few weeks anyway so... I hear privates suck more than fdny and 911 but whatever, if it helps to get my feet wet before I get a chance at fdny then whatever not to mention privates are hiring big time on noobies (I'm only 18 years old) because that means they don't have to pay you for your veteran experience...so maybe It would be a good idea to work at a private while taking my als? I have an option to pay it down with monthly payments so maybe I can just subtract it from whatever I make?
whatever u feel is best for you, privates are ALWAYS hiring. I wouldn't worry about als until u get your license. waiting 2 years shouldn't be a big deal to you, whats the main goal? to be a paramedic and continue ems until u retire or what


lvl: pumpkinslayer
Yeah I want to be either medic or fire until I retire pretty much. No plan B. Anyone know how many people took exam 5003 and what number they're up to by now?


Forum Lieutenant
I currently work at Wendy's but I'm thinking about quitting and going to a private like rca ambulance (Richmond county ambulance) or assist ambulance where I MAY get a job..they are paying 11.50 to start but I need my drivers license and I take my road test in like a few weeks anyway so... I hear privates suck more than fdny and 911 but whatever, if it helps to get my feet wet before I get a chance at fdny then whatever not to mention privates are hiring big time on noobies (I'm only 18 years old) because that means they don't have to pay you for your veteran experience...so maybe It would be a good idea to work at a private while taking my als? I have an option to pay it down with monthly payments so maybe I can just subtract it from whatever I make?

I know it seems like a long wait but I'll give you some advice. Learn how to be an Emt in the 911 system before becoming a medic. My experience is medics who don't have bls experience
Are not very good and don't get the respect from other medics and bls alike. You can have knowledge all you want but without experience you really don't know. Not knocking you but serious even if you work transport 911 is a whole different world. You need a few years experience first. Plus medic school is expensive may as well have fdny pay you to go lol. Good luck all the same!!


lvl: pumpkinslayer
I humbly accept your advice, however there's a new problem now, 911 agencies won't hire you unless you're 21 or over that age AND have a bit of experience...the only 911 that hires you less than 21 with no experience is of course, fdny... :( I'm only 18 so I'm basically stuck doing transport ems which I hear is just atrocious


Forum Crew Member
Dude your 18, stay in school, don't worry about Ems now, get a bachelors and then look for a career, believe me, you won't regret it


Forum Probie
My friend got the call he's in the 150s not sure why they skipped me, I called my investigator and she only told me my folder is being reviewed.


Forum Crew Member
Yeah buddy of my just let me know he got the call, believe he's somewhere in the 90s. We shall see how far they get


Forum Lieutenant
Tomorrow should be the last day unless they are struggling to fill the class. It's not a big deal for someone to defer and wait a few months for the next class. They won't call on Christmas Day so we will see